Vydané – Published
V.E. Ardestani, Z. Martinec (2003a)
Far-zone contribution in ellipsoidal stokes boundary-value problem
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 47, 4, 719-723
V.E. Ardestani, Z. Martinec (2003b)
Geoid determination through ellipsoidal stokes boundary-value problem by
splitting its solution to the low-degree and the high-degree parts
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 47, 4, 73-82
M. Baer, N. Deichmann, J. Braunmiller, F. Bernardi, C. Cornou, D. Fah, D. Giardini,
S. Huber, P. Kastli, F. Kind, U. Kradolfer, M. Mai, S. Maraini, I. Opršal,
T. Schler, D. Schorlemmer, S. Sellami, S. Steimen, S. Wiemer, J. Wossner, A. Wyss (2003)
Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2002
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 96, 2, 313-324
V. Bucha (2003)
Ray tracing computations in the smoothed SEG/EAGE Salt Model
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 241-248, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
V. Bucha, P. Bulant (2003a)
Shooting a cone of rays
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 249-250, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
V. Bucha, P. Bulant (2003b)
SW3D-CD-7 (sotware on CD)
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, Dpartment of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
V. Bucha, P. Bulant, L. Klimeš (2003a)
Velocity macro models
Extended Abstracts Book, EAGE/SEG Summer Research Workshop on 'Processing and imaging of seismic data' Using explicit or implicit velocity model information? (Trieste), Eur. Assoc. Geoscientists & Engr., Houten, T32, 4 pp.
V. Bucha, P. Bulant, L. Klimeš (2003b)
Velocity macro models.
8th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition (CD-ROM), South African Geophysical Association, Blairgowrie, 4 pp.
P. Bulant (2003)
Constructing the SEG/EAGE 3-D Salt Model for ray tracing using Sobolev scalar products
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 18-33, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
P. Bulant, L. Klimeš (2003a)
Comparison of quasi-isotropic approximations of the coupling ray theory in 1-D model 'OTC'
Extended Abstracts of 65th EAGE Conference (Stavanger), Eur. Assoc. Geoscientists & Engr., Houten, P044, 4 pp.
P. Bulant, L. Klimeš (2003b)
Comparison of quasi-isotropic approximations of the coupling ray theory with the exact solution in the 1-D anisotropic "oblique twisted crystal" model
8th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition (CD-ROM), South African Geophysical Association, Blairgowrie, 9 pp.
P. Bulant, L. Klimeš (2003c)
Errors due to the common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory
8th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition (CD-ROM), South African Geophysical Association, Blairgowrie, 7 pp.
J. Burjánek, K. Irikura, J. Zahradník (2003)
Strong ground motion prediction by composite source model.
Poster at AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Eos Trans. AGU, 84, 46, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S52A-0126.
See also
O. Čadek, L. Fleitout (2003)
Effect of lateral viscosity variations in the top 300 km on the geoid and dynamic topography
Geophysical Journal International, 152, 3, 566-580
V. Červený (2003a)
Inhomogeneous harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 169-187, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
V. Červený (2003b)
Homogeneous harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 199-205, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
V. Červený (2003c)
Inhomogeneous harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic media. Analytical solutions
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 207-239, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
V. Červený, I. Pšenčík (2003a)
Slowness vectors of harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media
Expanded Abstracts of 8th Int. Congress of SBGf (Rio de Janeiro) (CD-ROM),
Brazilian Geophysical Society (SBGf), 6 pp.
V. Červený, I. Pšenčík (2003b)
Slowness vectors of harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 189-197, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
M.E. Everett, Z. Martinec (2003)
Spatiotemporal response of a conducting sphere under simulated geomagnetic
storm conditions
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 138, 3-4, 163-181
F. Gallovič, J. Brokešová, K. Irikura (2003)
Seismic Hazard Assessment for Large Aftershocks
Poster presentation at AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Eos Trans. AGU, 84, 46, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41C-0088
See also
E. Grafarend, Z. Martinec (2003)
Comments on "Solution of the Dirichlet and Stokes exterior boundary
problems for the earth's ellipsoid" by V.V Brovar, Z.S Kopeikina, M.V
Pavlova - Journal of Geodesy (2001) 74:767-772
Journal of Geodesy, 7, 5-6, 357-357
L. Klimeš (2003a)
Weak-contrast reflection-transmission coefficients in a generally anisotropic background
Geophysics, 68, 2063-2072
L. Klimeš (2003b)
Sensitivity of seismic waves to the structure
Extended Abstracts Book, EAGE/SEG Summer Research Workshop
on 'Processing and imaging of seismic data' Using explicit or
implicit velocity model information? (Trieste),
Eur. Assoc. Geoscientists & Engr., Houten, T33, 4 pp.
L. Klimeš (2003c)
Sensitivity of seismic waves to the structure
8th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition (CD-ROM),
South African Geophysical Association, Blairgowrie, 6 pp.
L. Klimeš (2003d)
Perturbations and spatial derivatives of amplitude in isotropic and anisotropic media
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 107-118, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
L. Klimeš (2003e)
Common ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing for S waves in a smooth elastic anisotropic medium
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 119-141, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
L. Klimeš, P. Bulant (2003)
Errors due to the common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory
Extended Abstracts of 65th EAGE Conference (Stavanger),
Eur. Assoc. Geoscientists & Engr., Houten, P045, 4 pp.
P. Kolínský (2003)
Dispersion of seismic surface waves along selected Eurasian paths (in Czech)
MSc theses, Fac. of Math. and Phys., Charles University, Prague.
L. Košťál (2003)
Free oscillations of maxwellian models of the Earth
MSc Theses, Fac. of Math. and Phys., Charles University, Prague.
J. Málek, J. Brokešová (2003)
Seismic event location in the vicinity of the underground gas storage Háje-Příbram
Acta Montana A, 22,129, 65-73
J. Málek, J. Janský (2003)
Influence of some Webnet stations on location of earthquakes in West Bohemian subregions Nový Kostel and Lazy
Acta Montana A, 22, 129, 59-64
Z. Martinec, M.E. Everett, J. Velímský (2003)
Time-domain, spectral finite-element approach to transient 2-D geomagnetic
induction in a spherical heterogeneous Earth
Geophysical Journal International, 155, 1, 33-43
Z. Martinec (2003)
Green's function solution to spherical gradiometric boundary-value problems
Journal of Geodesy, 77, 1-2, 41-49
C. Matyska (2003)
Wavefield and static deformation in depth-dependent elastic models
with seismic sources of finite dimensions: spectral approach
Geophysical Journal nternational, 155, 1105-1113
O. Novotný, J. Málek (2003)
Note on the direct computation of geodetic distances and azimuths on an ellipsoid of revolution
Acta Montana A, 22,129, 75-78
I. Opršal, J. Zahradník, A. Serpetsidaki, G-A. Tselentis (2003)
3D Hybrid simulation of source and site effects during the 1999 Athens earthquake
Oral presentation at IASPEI/IAEE Joint Working Group on Workshop on Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion meeting, July 11, at KKR Hotel Sapporo.
Full text available at
V. Plicka (2003)
Modelling of finite-extent seismic sources by empirical Green's functions
PhD theses, Fac. of Math. and Phys., Charles University, Prague.
O. Scott, S. Steacy, M. Cocco, J. Zahradník, J. Mc Closkey, J. Coulomb (2003)
Stress Modelling as a Practical Tool in Real-time Aftershock Hazard Assessment: the Example of the PRESAP Blind Test
Oral presentation at AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Eos Trans. AGU, 84, 46, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S31A-06
J. Velímský (2003)
Electromagnetic induction and heterogeneous Earth's mantle : time-domain modelling
PhD thesis, Fac. of Math. and Phys., Charles University, Prague.
Full text in PDF (2.8 MB),
errata PDF (68 kB).
J. Velímský, M.E. Everett, Z. Martinec (2003)
The transient Dst electromagnetic induction signal at satellite altitudes
for a realistic 3-D electrical conductivity in the crust and mantle
Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 7, Art. No. 1355
PDF (1.2 MB).
J. Zahradník, A. Serpetsidaki, E. Sokos, G-A. Tselentis (2003)
A multiple-event interpretation of the 2003 Lefkada earthquake
Oral presentation at The 1st International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction (Sub-commission E on the European Seismological Commission), November 6-7, 2003, Athens, Greece. The extended abstract at
J. Zahradník (2003)
Earthquake processes : physical modelling, numerical simulation and data analysis I and II, edited by M. Matsu'ura et al., Pure and Applied Geophysics, 159, 2002 - Review of the book
Studia Geophisica et Geodaetica, 47, 3, 709-714
K. Žáček (2003a)
Decomposition of the wave field into optimized Gaussian packets
Expanded Abstracts of 73rd Annual Meeting (Dallas),
Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, Tulsa, 1869-1872
K. Žáček (2003b)
Decomposition of the wavefield into optimized Gaussian packets
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13, 35-43, Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
K. Žáček, L. Klimeš (2003)
Sensitivity of seismic waves to the structure.
Expanded Abstracts of 73rd Annual Meeting (Dallas),
Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, Tulsa, 1857-1860
V tisku – In press
V. Červený (2004):
Inhomogeneous harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48,
H. Čížková, C. Matyska (2004)
Layered convection with an interface at a depth of 1000 km: stability and generation of slab-like downwellings
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
J. Janský, J. Zahradník, E. Sokos, A. Serpetsidaki, G.-A. Tselentis (2004)
Relocation of the 2001 earthquake sequence in Aegion, Greece
Studia geophisica et geodaetica
L. Klimeš (2004a)
Analytical one-way plane-wave solution
in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model
Stud. geophys. geod., 48
L. Klimeš, P. Bulant (2004)
Errors due to the common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory
Stud. geophys. geod., 48
M. Kukačka, C. Matyska (2004)
Influence of the zone of weakness on dip angle and shear heating of subducted slabs
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
O. Novotný, J. Málek (2004)
Některé problémy výzkumu svrchní části zemské kůry v Českém masívu. (Some problems of studying the upper parts of the Earth's crust in the Bohemian Massif)
Sborník vědeckých prací VŠB-Ostrava
O. Novotný, J. Janský, J. Málek (2004)
Some aspects of the application of the Wiechert-Herglotz method to refraction data from western Bohemia
Acta Montana
J. Zahradník, J. Janský, E. Sokos, A. Serpetsidaki, H. Lyon-Caen, P. Papadimitriou (2004)
Modeling the ML4.7 mainshock of the February-July 2001 earthquake sequence in Aegion, Greece
Journal of Seismology. See also
Podané – Submitted
P. Bulant (2004)
Constructing the SEG/EAGE 3-D Salt Model
for ray tracing using Sobolev scalar products
Stud. geophysica et geodaetica
P. Bulant, L. Klimeš, I. Pšenčík & V. Vavryčuk (2003)
Comparison of ray methods with the exact solution
in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model
Stud. geophys. geod.
K. Fleming, Z. Martinec, J. Hagedoorn (2003)
Geoid displacement about Greenland resulting from past and present-day changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet
Geophysical Research Letters
F. Gallovič, J. Brokešová (2004a)
The k^-2 rupture model parametric study: example of the 1999 Athens earthquake
Studia geophisica et geodaetica
F. Gallovič, J. Brokešová (2004b)
On strong ground motion synthesis with k^-2 slip distributions
Journal of Seismology
F. Gallovič, J. Zahradník (2004)
Quantifying the match between observed and synthetic strong ground motions
Studia geophisica et geodaetica
L. Klimeš (2004b)
Phase shift of the Green function due to caustics in anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod.
J. Málek, J. Janský, O. Novotný, D. Rössler (2004)
Vertically inhomogeneous models of the upper crustal structure in the West Bohemian seismoactive region inferred from the CELEBRATION 2000 refraction data.
Studia geophisica et geodaetica
Z. Martinec, H. McCreadie (2003)
Magnetic induction modelling based on satellite magnetic vector data
Geophysical Journal International
Z. Martinec, D. Wolf (2003)
Inverting the Fennoscandian relaxation-time spectrum in terms of an axisymmetric viscosity distribution with a lithospheric root
Journal of Geodynamics
P. Vaníček, R. Tenzer, L.E. Sjoberg, Z. Martinec W.E. Featherstone (2003)
New views of the spherical Bouguer gravity anomaly.
Geophysical Journal International
J. Velímský, M.E. Everett (2003)
Electromagnetic Induction by Sq Ionospheric Currents in a Heterogeneous Earth: Modeling Using Ground-based and
Satellite Measurements,
Submitted to 2nd CHAMP Science Meeting Proceedings.
PDF (276 kB).
J. Velímský, Z. Martinec
Time-domain, spherical harmonic-finite element approach to transient three-dimensional geomagnetic induction in
a spherical heterogeneous Earth
Geophysical Journal International
PDF (480 kB).