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Applying local Green's functions to study the influence of the crustal structure on hydrological loading displacements,
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Einšpigel, David - Martinec, Zdeněk,
A new derivation of the shallow water equations in geographical coordinates and their application to the global barotropic ocean model (the DEBOT model),
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Gallovič, František - Ampuero, J.-P.,
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Gallovič, František - Imperatori, Walter - Mai, P. Martin,
Effects of three-dimensional crustal structure and smoothing constraint on earthquake slip inversions: Case study of the Mw6.3 2009 L'Aquila earthquake,
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Hagedoorn, J. M. - Martinec, Zdeněk,
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Kuchta, Miroslav - Tobie, Gabriel - Miljkovic, Katarina - Běhounková, Marie - Souček, Ondřej - Choblet, Gael - Čadek, Ondřej,
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Martinec, Zdeněk - Sasgen, Ingo - Velímský, Jakub,
The forward sensitivity and adjoint-state methods of glacial isostatic adjustment,
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Martinec, Zdeněk - Fullea, Javier,
A refined model of sedimentary rock cover in the southeastern part of the Congo basin from GOCE gravity and vertical gravity gradient observations,
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Novotný, Oldřich - Vackář, Jiří - Sokos, Efthimios,
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Sokos, E. - Kiratzi, A. - Gallovič, František - Zahradník, Jiří - Serpetsidaki, A. - Plicka, Vladimír - Janský, Jaromír - Kostelecky, J. - Tselentis, G.-A.,
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Tanaka, Y. - Hasegawa, T. - Tsuruoka, H. - Klemann, V. - Martinec, Zdeněk,
Spectral-finite element approach to post-seismic relaxation in a spherical compressible Earth: application to gravity changes due to the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake,
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Tosi, Nicola - Čadek, Ondřej - Běhounková, Marie - Káňová, Michaela - Plesa, A. -C. - Grott, M. - Breuer, D. - Padovan, S. - Wieczorek, M. A.,
Mercury's low-degree geoid and topography controlled by insolation-driven elastic deformation,
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Vackář, Jiří - Burjanek, Jan - Zahradník, Jiří,
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Valentová, Ľubica - Gallovič, František - Růžek, Bohuslav - de la Puente, Josep - Moczo, Peter,
Choice of regularization in adjoint tomography based on two-dimensional synthetic tests,
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Zahradník, Jiří - Fojtikova, L. - Carvalho, J. - Barros, L. V. - Sokos, E. - Janský, Jaromír,
Compromising polarity and waveform constraints in focal-mechanism solutions; the Mara Rosa 2010 Mw 4 central Brazil earthquake revisited,
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Zahradník, Jiří - Janský, Jaromír - Plicka, Vladimír,
Analysis of the source scanning algorithm with a new P-wave picker,
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