Miroslav Hallo - Software
Plot moment tensor(s) into the lune diagram
- Open source Matlab functions for plotting moment tensor(s) into lune diagram (Tape and Tape 2013).
Codes are published under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) for non-commercial use.
Methodology following:
- Tape, W., and Tape, C. (2013): The classical model for moment tensors, Geophysical Journal International, 195, 1701-1720.
List of the functions:
- index.m - Plot moment tensor(s) into the lune diagram
- lib (DIR) - Contains all necessary matlab subroutines
MATLAB (revision 2/2019):
- Lune.zip - Zip package containing all MatLab codes for plotting lune diagram
The codes do not require any additional MatLab Toolboxes
The codes were tested on various versions of MatLab software, and it should work without any problems even on older versions. Tested versions: Matlab 2012b 32-bit (Windows 7), Matlab 2018b 64-bit (Windows 7).