Johana Brokešová Department of
of Mathematics and Physics Charles
University, Prague Mail
address: KG MFF UK, V Holesovickach 2 180 00 Praha 8
of expertise:
wave propagation in complex laterally varying media: asymptotic high- frequency
methods, 2.5D and 3D modeling
extent source simulations: seismic wave fields due to complex sources in
complex media
seismic motions: modeling and observation
and degrees:
Graduated from Charles University, Prague, in
Geophysics (degree equivalent to MSc, 1986)
Thesis title: Computation of seismic wave fields
due to a point source and a finite extent source by Gaussian beam method (Supervisor:
Prof. RNDr. V. Červený, DrSc.)
RNDr. degree, Charles University, Prague, in
Physics (1986)
Graduated Magna Cum Laude, Charles University,
Prague (1986)
CSc degree (equivalent to PhD,1994), Charles
University, Prague, in Geophysics
Thesis title: High-frequency ground motions due to extended seismic sources in complex structures (Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. V. Červený, DrSc.)
Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, Department of Geophysics, continuously from 1986
- 1987: Posgraduate
- 1994: PhD studies
- 2005: Assistant
- present: Research Associate
of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
2001 - present: Research Associate
courses: Seismic wave propagation (since
Fourier Spectral Analysis (since 1992)
Seismic ray method (since 1997)
Optional lecture: Kinematic modeling of extended seismic sources (since 1996)
thesis supervised:
Kouba, D. Influence of
apsorption on the ray wavefield with respect to applicability in interpretation
of reflection measurements. Master Thesis, Charles University, Prague,
defended in 1999.
Gallovic, F. High-frequency
strong motion synthesis for k-2 rupture models. Master Thesis, Charles
University, Prague, defended in 2002
theses supervised:
F. Kinematic modelling of strong ground motions, PhD Thesis, Charles
University, Prague, defended in 2006.
P. Regional and local tomography using body and surface waves, PhD
Thesis, Charles Univ., Prague
project participation (last 10 years):
1993 – present: Consortium project Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, sponsored
by major oil companies from Europe and overseas (co-ordinator V. Cerveny,
Prague, Czech Republic)
1996 -- 1998 Source parameters
retrieval from local seismicity sponsored by Grant Agency of the Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic (co-ordinator J. Sileny, Prague, Czech Republic)
"Constructing Major Earthquakes: Microearthquake Ruptures and Green's Functions
in the Western Gulf of Corinth Greece" (EC IncoCopernicus, COME,
co-ordinated by G-A. Tselentis, Patras, Greece).
"Towards an Integrated Strong Motion Modelling: Comparison of Source Path
and Site Effects on the Example of EUROSEISTEST Data"(EC IncoCopernicus,
ISMOD, co-ordinated by P.-Y. Bard, Grenoble, France).
"Understanding Earthquakes in Western Greece" (NATO Collaborative
Linkage grant, co-ordinated by G-A. Tselentis, Patras, Greece).
"Towards Practical, Real-time Estimation of Spatial Aftershocks
Probabilities: a Feasibility Study in Earthquake Hazard" (EC 5th framework
EESD, PRESAP, co-ordinated by J. McCloskey, Univ. of Ulster).
"Prague Centre of Mathematical Gephysics, Meteorology, and Their
Applications" (EC 6th framework, MAGMA, co-ordinated by J. Zahradník,
Prague, Czech Republic)
project supervised:
2004-2007: "Seismic Wave Propagation and
Imaging in Complex Media: a European Network" (EC 6th framework ,SPICE,
co-ordinated by H. Igel, Munich, Germany)
2005-2006:” Shaking scenarios and damage
testification in priority and/or strategic areas of interest ” (Billateral
Italian-Czech project, co-ordinators A. Emolo, University of Naples and J.
Brokesova, Charles Univ. Prague)
2007-2008: "Sensor of rotational movement around
vertical axis for seismic measurements" (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic,
co-ordinated by J. Strunc, IRSM CAS CZ and J. Brokesova, Charles Univ., Prague)
Asymptotic Ray Theory In Seismology
Rotational Components of Seismic Motions
Brokešová, J. (1990).
Seismic rays and amplitudes in 2.5-dimensional modelling, Research Report No.
87, Department of Geophysics, Charles Univ., Written for Arco Oil and Gas Co.,
Plano, Texas, U.S.A.
Brokešová, J. (1993). High-frequency ground motions due to extended seismic sources in complex structures, PhD Thesis, Charles Univ., Prague
Brokešová, J. (1996a). Construction of ray
synthetic seismograms using interpolation of travel times and ray amplitudes,
Special Issue: Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous media, Part II, Pure
and Appl. Geophys., 148, 503-538
Brokešová, J. (1996b). Interpolation of travel
times and amplitudes, In: Seismic waves in complex 3D structures, Research
Report No. 4, Department of Geophysics, Charles Univ., 151-181
Brokešová, J., Zahradník, J., Paraskevopoulos,
P. (2000). Ray and finite-difference modelling in CDP seismic sections for
shallow lignite deposits, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 45, 261-272
Brokešová, J. (2001). Reflection/transmission
coefficients at a plane interface in dissipative and nondissipative media: A
comparison, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 9, No. 2, 623-642
Brokešová, J., Červený, V. (2001): Energy
conservation equations and interaction contributions at a structural interface between
two dissipative media. Numerical experiments. In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D
Structures, Report 11, pp. 315 – 336, Department of Geophys., Charles Univ.,
Brokešová, J., Červený, V. (2002a): The viscoelastic reflection/transmission problem for general orientation of propagagation and attenuation vectors. In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 12, pp. 213 – 239, Department of Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague
Brokešová, J.,Červený, V.(2002b):The
viscoelastic reflection/transmisssion problem for general orientation of
propagagation and attenuation vectors.
Extended Abstracts of 64th EAGE Conference (Florence), P243
Opršal, I., Brokešová,
J., Faeh, D., Giardini, D. (2002). 3D Hybrid Ray-FD and DWN-FD Seismic
Modeling For Simple Models Containing Complex Local Structures, Stud. Geophys.
Geod., 46, 711-730
Málek, J., Brokešová,
J. (2003). Seismic event location in the vicinity of the underground gas
storage Háje-Příbram, Acta Montana, No. 22 (129), 65 – 73
F., Brokešová, J. (2004a). On strong ground
motion synthesis with k-2 slip distributions, J. Seismology 8, 211-224.
F., Brokešová, J. (2004b). The k-2 rupture model
parametric study: example of the 1999 Athens earthquake, Studia geoph. et
geod. 48, 589-613
Brokešová, J
(2006) , Asymptotic ray method in seismology: A tutorial, Praha, Matfyzpress
Brokešová, J.,
Červený, V. (2006): The viscoelastic
reflection/transmisssion problem for general orientation of propagagation and
attenuation vectors, Journal of Computational Acoustics (submitted)
Kolínský, P., Brokešová, J. (2006): The Western Bohemia
Uppermost Crust Shear Wave Velocities from Love Wave Dispersion, J. Seismology
11, 101-120.
F., Brokešová, J. (2006). Probabilistic
Aftershock Hazard Assessment: Numerical Testing of Certain Methodological
Features, J. Seismology (submitted).
F., Brokešová, J. (2007). Hybrid k-squared
Source Model for Strong Ground Motion Simulations: an Introduction, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 160, 34-50.
presentations (last 10 years):
1997 IASPEI 29th General
Assembly, Thessaloniki, Greece: Brokesova, J., Ray and Finite-Difference Wave Field Simulations
for Shallow Structures (poster)
1999 ICTCA´99, Trieste, Italy: Brokešová, J.,
Reflection-transmission coefficients at a plane interface in dissipative and
non-dissipative media: comparison (oral)
2000 Workshop Meeting on Seismic Waves in
Laterally Inhomogeneous Media V, Castle of Zahrádky, Czech Republic: Brokešová, J., Reflection/transmission
coefficients at viscoelastic transition layers (oral)
2001 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
California: Opršal, I., Brokešová, J., Giardini, D., Efficient 3D
hybrid ray-FD modelling for elastic media with locally complex structures (poster)
2001 PRESAP Meeting,, September, Prague, Czech
Republic: Gallovič, F., Brokešová, J., K^-2
Stochastic Modelling of her Athens 1999
Earthquake Using Ray Theory (oral)
2002 64th EAGE Conference, Florence,
Italy: Brokešová, J., Červený, V., The
viscoelastic reflection/transmisssion problem for general orientation of
propagagation and attenuation vectors (poster)
2002 XXVII EGU General Assembly, Nice, France:
Gallovič, F., Brokešová, J., Methodical
aspects of the k^-2 kinematic source modelling
2002 PRESAP Meeting,, September, Paris, France:
Gallovič, F., Brokešová, J., Kinematic
strong-motion modelling (oral)
2002 PRESAP Meeting, September, Paris, France:
Burjánek, J., Zahradník, J. Gallovič, F., Brokešová, J., Comparison
of three modelling methods on the Colfiorito event (oral)
2002 PRESAP Meeting, September, Paris, France:
Opršal, I., Brokešová, J., Fäh, D.,
Giardini, D., Fast 3D hybrid seismic modelling: Ray-FD approach for elastic
models with locally complex structures (poster)
2002 XXVII EGU General Assembly, Nice, France:
Opršal, I., Brokešová, J., Fäh, D.,
Giardini, D., Fast 3D hybrid seismic modelling: Ray-FD approach for elastic
models with locally complex structures. (poster)
2002 XXVIII ESC General Assembly, Janov, Italy:
Opršal, I., Brokešová, J., Fäh, D.,
Giardini, D., 3D hybrid seismic modelling” Ray-FD or DWN-FD approach for
elastic models with locally complex structures (poster)
AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA: Gallovic, F., Brokesová, J., Irikura, K., Seismic Hazard
Assessment for Large Aftershocks (poster)
EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France and at IUGG, Sapporo, Japan: Gallovic,
F., Brokešová, J. , Burjánek, J., Zahradník,
J., Directivity in Kinematic and Composite source models (poster)
EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France and at IUGG, Sapporo, Japan: Gallovic,
F., Brokešová, J., Finite-Extent k-2
Kinematic Source Modeling: the 1999 Athens Earthquake Strong-Motion
Accelerograms (poster)
2004 XXIX
ESC General Assembly, Potsdam, Germany: Gallovic, F., Brokesova,
J., A k-squared Composite
Source Model: Hybrid Description of Comlex Faulting (poster)
2004 EGU
1st General Assembly, Nice , France: Malek, J., Brokesova J., Anisotropy
of the uppermost crust in the region Ohre/Eger rift (Czech Republic) (oral)
Czecho-Slovak Seismological Days, September, Smolenice, Slovakia: Gallovič, F.,
Brokešová, J., Hybrid combination of
kinematic integral and composite source model (oral)
SPICE Local Scale TG Meeting, April, Zurich, Switzerland: Gallovič, F., Brokešová, J., Kinematic strong ground-motion
modeling by the hybrid k-squared source model (oral)
2005 AGU
2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA: Gallovic, F., Brokesová, J., Numerical Testing of Certain
Features of Probabilistic Aftershock Hazard Assessment (poster)
2005 SPICE
R&T Workshop II, September 4-10, Smolenice, Slovakia, Brokesová, J., Asymptotic Ray Theory in Seismology