Dr. Hana Čížková (Kývalová)
Department of Geophysics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
V Holešovičkách 2
18000 Praha 8
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 95155 2544 (+420 22191 2544)
e-mail: hk@karel.troja.mff.cuni.cz
Personal data
- born in August 19, 1972 in Frýdek-Místek
- 1990-1994: study at Charles University
- 1994: graduated in geophysics
Diploma thesis: Phase transitions and dynamics of the Earth mantle, supervisor: Dr. Ondrej Čadek
- 1994-1996: PhD study at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
PhD thesis: Modelling dynamical processes in the Earth mantle, supervisor: Dr. Ondrej Čadek.)
- 1997: Assistant professor at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
- 1998-1999: Postdoc at Utrecht University, Faculty of Earth Sciences (Dr. van den Berg, Prof. Vlaar)
- 1999: Assistant professor at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
- 2009: Associate professor at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Student projects
Lectures and students
- Student information system
Geomagnetism and geoelectricity, Dynamics of mantle and lithosphere, Review of geophysics, Seminar on geodynamics, Introductory seminar on Earth sciences
PhD students
- Nina Benešová (defended 9. 9. 2015)
Termální konvekce v pláštích terestrických těles
- Marie Běhounková (defended 20. 12. 2007)
Global and regional scale modeling of dynamic processes in the Earth's mantle
Master students
- Jakub Pokorný (defended 4. 6. 2018, Faculty of Science): Vliv mechanických vlastností kůry na napětí v subdukované litosféře
- Adela Androvičová (defended 14. 9. 2010): Modely subdukce litosféry v regionálním měřítku
- Ľubica Valentová (15. 9. 2009): Konvekce v plášti Země: Počítačové modely a pozorovaná data
- Nina Benešová (21. 9. 2006): Modelování termální konvekce v plášti
- Marie Běhounková (27. 5. 2004): Seismická tomografická inverze syntetických dat
Bachelor students
- Ivana Štencová (defended 18. 6. 2024): Model termální konvekce v programu ASPECT
- Štěpán Pilař (defended 14. 7. 2020): Vliv latentního tepla na deformaci subdukované litosféry v plášti Země
- Martin Dlask (defended 16. 6. 2014): Earth as a dynamic body
- Adela Androvičová (defended 23. 6. 2008): Počítačové simulace subdukce litosféry
- Magdaléna Čípová (29. 6. 2006): Fyzika Země – elektronický učební text
- Martina Ulvrová (27. 6. 2006): Nelineární reologické modely: popis dynamických procesů v zemském nitru
- Eliška Zábranová (27. 6. 2006): Vliv fázových přechodů na dynamické procesy v nitrech terestrických těles
- Kývalová, H., Čadek, O. and D.A. Yuen, Correlation analysis between subduction in the last 180 Myr and lateral seismic structure of the lower mantle: Geodynamical implications, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 1995, 1281-1284 (abstract)
- Čadek, O., Kývalová, H. and D.A. Yuen, Geodynamical implications from the correlation of surface geology and seismic tomographic structure, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 136, 615-627, 1995 (abstract)
- Yuen, D.A., Čadek, O., van Keken, P., Reuteler, D., Kývalová, H. and B. Schroeder, Combined results from mineral physics, tomography and mantle convection and their implications on global geodynamics in Seismic modelling of the Earth's structure, ed. by A. Morelli and G. Ekstrom, 1996
- Čížková, H., Čadek, O., Yuen, D.A. and Hua-wei Zhou, Slope of the geoid spectrum and constraints on mantle viscosity stratification, Geophys. Res. Lett.., 23, 3063-3066, 1997 (abstract)
- Čížková, H., Čadek, O. and A. van den Berg, Influence of the load wavelength on permeability of a viscosity interface in the mantle, Studia geoph. et geod., 41, 64-72, 1997
- Čížková, H. and O. Čadek, Effect of a viscosity interface at 1000 km depth on mantle convection, Studia geoph. et geod., 41, 297-306, 1997
- Čadek, O., Čížková, H. and D.A. Yuen, Can long-wavelength dynamical signatures be compatible with layered mantle convection? Geophys. Res. Lett., 16(24), 2091-2094, 1997
- Čížková, H., Čadek, O. and A. Slancová, Regional correlation analysis between seismic heterogeneity in the lower mantle and subduction in the last 180 Myr: Implications for mantle dynamics and rheology, PAGEOPH, 151, 527-537, 1998
- Čadek, O., Yuen, D.A., Čížková, H., Kido, M., Zhou, H., Brunet, D. and Ph. Machetel,New perspectives on mantle dynamics from high-resolution seismic tomographic model P1200, PAGEOPH, 151, 503-525, 1998
- Čadek, O., Yuen D.A. and H. Čížková, Mantle viscosity inferred from geoid and seismic tomography by genetic algorithms: Results for layered mantle flow, Phys. and Chem. of the Earth, 23(9-10), 865-872, 1998
- Čížková, H., Čadek, O., van den Berg, A.P. and N.J. Vlaar, Can lower mantle slab-like seismic anomalies be explained by thermal coupling between the upper and lower mantles? Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(10), 1501-1504, 1999
- Čížková, H., van Hunen, J., van den Berg, A.P., and N.J. Vlaar, The influence of rheological weakening and yield stress on the interaction of slabs with the 670-km discontinuity, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 199, 447-457, 2002
- Čížková, H. and C. Matyska, Layered convection with an interface at a depth of 1000 km: stability and generation of slab-like downwellings, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 141, 269-279, 2004
- Běhounková, M., Čížková, H. and C. Matyska, Resolution tests of global geodynamic models by travel-time tomography, Studia geoph. et geod., 49, 343-363, 2005
- Čížková, H., Numericke simulace procesu litosfericke subdukce, Ces. cas. fyz., 2/2005, str. 135
- Běhounková, M., Čížková, H. and C. Matyska, Resolution Tests of 3-D Convection Models by Travel-time Tomography: Effects of Rayleigh Number and Regular vs. Irregular Parameterization, Geophys. J. Int., 170, 401-416, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03458.x, 2007
- Čížková, H., van Hunen, J., van den Berg, A., Stress distribution within the subducting slabs and their deformation in the transition zone, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 161(3-4), 202-214, 2007
- Běhounková, M. and Čížková, H., Long-wavelength character of subducted slabs in the lower mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275, 43-53, 2008
- Čížková, H., Čadek, O., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A., Implications of post-perovskite transport properties for core-mantle dynamics, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2009.08.008, 2010
- Matyska, C., Yuen, D.A., Wentzcovitch, R.M., Čížková, H., The Impact of Variability in the Rheological Activation Parameters on Lower-Mantle Viscosity Stratification and its Dynamics, Phys. Earth Planet. In., 188(1-2), 1-8, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2011.05.012, 2011
- Benešová, N., Čížková, H., Geoid and topography of Venus in various thermal convection models, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 56, 621-639, DOI: 10.1007/s11200-011-0251-7, 2012
- Velimsky, J., Benešová, N., Čížková, H., On the detectability of 3-D postperovskite distribution in D" by electromagnetic induction, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 202-203, 71-77, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2012.02.012, 2012
- Čížková, H., van den Berg, A., Spakman, W., Matyska, C., The viscosity of Earth's lower mantle inferred from sinking speed of subducted lithosphere, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 200-201, 56-62, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2012.02.010, 2012
- Maierová, P., Chust, T., Steinle-Neumann, G., Čadek, O., Čížková, H., The effect of variable thermal diffusivity on kinematic models of subduction, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B07202, doi:10.1029/2011JB009119, 2012
- Androvicova, A., Cizkova, H., van den Berg, A., The effects of rheological decoupling on slab deformation in the Earth's upper mantle,Stud. Geophys. Geod., 57, 460-481, DOI:10.1007/s11200-012-0259-7, 2013 (Reprint)
- Cizkova, H., Bina, C., Effects of mantle and subduction-interface rheologies on slab stagnation and trench rollback, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 379, 1 October 2013, Pages 95-103, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.08.011, 2013
- Cizkova, H., Bina, C., Geodynamics of trench advance: Insights from a Philippine-Sea-style geometry, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 408-415, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.004, 2015
- Benesova, N., Cizkova, H., Effect of post-perovskite rheology on the thermal evolution of the Earth, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 251, 1-10, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2015.11.004, 2016
- Zahradník, J., Cizkova, H., Bina, C.R., Sokos, E., Janský, J., Tavera, H., Carvalho, J., A recent deep earthquake doublet in light of long-term evolution of Nazca subduction, Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep45153, 2017
- Cizkova, H., van den Berg, A.P., Jacobs, M., Impact of compressibility on heat transport characteristics of large terrestrial planets, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 268, 65-77, 2017
- Patocka, V., Cadek, O., Tackley, P.J., Cizkova, H., Stress memory effect in viscoelastic stagnant lid convection, Geophys. J. Int., 209, 1462-1475, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx102, 2017
- Patocka, V., Cizkova, H., Tackley, P.J., Do elasticity and a free surface affect lithospheric stresses caused by
upper-mantle convection?, Geophys. J. Int., 216, 1740-1760, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy513, 2019
- Cizkova, H., Bina, C.R., Linked influences on slab stagnation: Interplay between lower mantle viscosity structure, phase transitions, and plate coupling
, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 509, 88-99, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.027, 2019
- Cizkova, H., Zahradnik, J., Liu, J., Bina, C.R., Geodynamic subduction models constrained by deep earthquakes beneath the Japan Sea and eastern China, Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62238-x, 2020
- Bina, C.R., Cizkova, H., Chen, P.-F. Evolution of subduction dip angles and seismic stress patterns during
arc-continent collision: Modeling Mindoro Island, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.116054, 2020
- Pokorný, J., Čížková, H., van den Berg, A., Feedbacks between subduction dynamics and slab deformation: Combined effects of nonlinear rheology of a weak decoupling layer and phase transitions, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106679, 2021
- Pokorný, J., Čížková, H., Bina, C.R., van den Berg, A., 2D stress rotation in the Tonga subduction region, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118379, 2023
- van der Wiel, E., Pokorný, J., Čížková, H., Spakman, W., van den Berg, A., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Slab buckling as a driver for rapid oscillations in Indian plate motion and subduction rate, Communications Earth and environment, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01472-x, 2024
- Patočka, V., Čížková, Pokorný, J., Dynamic Component of the Asthenosphere: Lateral Viscosity Variations Due To Dislocation Creep at the Base of Oceanic Plates, Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1029/2024GL109116, 2024