Doc. Oldřich Novotný
Department of Geophysics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
V Holešovičkách 2
18000 Praha 8
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 95155 2536
fax: +420 95155 2555
Personal data
- Graduated in geophysics in 1964
- RNDr. in 1968
- PhD in 1972
Areas of research interests:
Seismic surface waves, crustal and upper-mantle structure, matrix methods in seismology, role of fluids in generating earthquakes, planetary magnetism.
Lecture notes
- Mechanika kontinua
PDF (31 pp.)
- Motions, gravity field and figure of the Earth
PDF (247 pp.)
PDF (reduced size)
- Potenciálová pole I. Základy teorie
PDF (118 pp.)
- Seismic surface waves
PDF (155 pp.)
Titles of papers published in Czech and Russian are given in English translation.
- T.A. Proskuryakova, O. Novotny, E.V. Voronina: Studies of the Earth’s Structure by Surface Wave Method (Central Europe). Moscow, Nauka 1981 (95 pp., in Russian).
- E. Mechlova et al.: Headwords of a Terminological Dictionary of Physics. Praha, Prometheus 1995 (87 pp., co-author, in Czech).
- E. Mechlova, K. Kostal et al.: Explanatory Dictionary of Physics for the Basic University Course. Praha, Prometheus 1999 (588 pp., co-author, in Czech).
Lecture notes:
- O. Novotny: Continuum Mechanics. (Lecture notes for the post-graduate course ”Geophysical Data Processing and Digital Seismics”). Praha, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, 1976 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Potential Theory. (Lecture notes for the post-graduate course ”Geophysical Data Processing and Digital Seismics”). Praha, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, 1977 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Potential Fields I. Praha, Charles University, 1982 (118 pp., in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Motions, Gravity Field and Figure of the Earth. Salvador, CPGG, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1998 (247 pp.).
- O. Novotny: Seismic Surface Waves. Salvador, CPGG, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1999 (156 pp.).
Reviewed papers in journals:
- O. Novotny, K. Pec: Equivalence between Love waves propagating in a double layer and single layer medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 8 (1964), 24-33.
- O. Novotny: The modes of Love waves in a double-layer medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 10 (1966), 156-171.
- O. Novotny: Partial derivatives of dispersion curves of Love waves in a layered medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 14 (1970), 36-50.
- O. Novotny: Partial derivatives of dispersion curves of Love waves in a single-layered medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 15 (1971), 24-35.
- O. Novotny: Partial derivatives of dispersion curves for higher modes of Love waves in a single-layered medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 16 (1972), 51-59.
- K. Pec, O. Novotny: The influence of the low velocity zone on phase velocities and amplitudes of Love waves. Z. Geophys. 38 (1972), 555-563.
- O. Novotny, K. Pec: Notes on using numerical inversion of group velocities of Love waves on the Kuril Is. - Central Europe profile and the effective thickness of the Earth’s crust. In: Travaux Geophys. 20 (1972). Praha, Academia 1974, 197-202.
- O. Novotny: Partial derivatives of dispersion curves of higher mode Love waves in a layered medium. In: Travaux Geophys. 20 (1972). Praha, Academia 1974, 177-195.
- O. Novotny: On some modifications of Thomson-Haskell matrices for Love waves. Studia geoph. et geod. 17 (1973), 186-188.
- O. Novotny: On the equivalence of Thomson-Haskell matrices and Knopoff's method for Love waves. Studia geoph. et geod. 18 (1974), 120-125.
- O. Novotny: The equations in Störmer’s theory derived with the help of Lagrange’s equations. In: Travaux Geophys. 22 (1974). Praha, Academia 1976, 269-276.
- K. Pec, O. Novotny: Dispersion and amplitudes of Love waves for some models of the Earth’s crust and mantle. Studia geoph. et geod. 20 (1976), 10-38.
- L.A. Molotkov, V. Cerveny, O. Novotny: Low-frequency and high-frequency expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients of seismic waves for transition layers. Studia geoph. et geod. 20 (1976), 219-235.
- O. Novotny: Methods of computing the partial derivatives of dispersion curves. Pageoph 14 (1976), 765-774.
- K. Pec, O. Novotny: Joint interpretation of Lg and Sa waves based on spectral amplitudes of higher Love wave modes. Studia geoph. et geod. 21 (1977), 242-248.
- V. Cerveny, O. Novotny, A. Plesinger, J. Plomerova: Structure of the Earth’s crust in Southwestern Bohemia from spectral ratios of long-period P waves (preliminary results). In: Travaux Geophys. 25 (1977). Praha, Academia 1980, 113-129.
- O. Novotny, V. Cerveny, L.A. Molotkov: Numerical properties of low-frequency expansions for the reflection and transmission coefficients from transition layers. Studia geoph. et geod. 24 (1980), 124-130.
- O. Novotny: Partial derivatives of travel-time curves of reflected waves in a layered medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 24 (1980), 355-364.
- O. Novotny, T.A. Proskuryakova, E.V. Voronina: Comparison of the results of deep seismic soundings and surface wave investigations in the region of the International Profile VII. Studia geoph. et geod. 25 (1981), 160-166 (in Russian).
- O. Novotny: Empirical relations between planetary magnetism and tides. In: Stellar and Planetary Magnetism. Ed. A.M. Soward. New York, Gordon and Breach Science Publ. 1983, 289-293. (Workshop on Stellar and Planetary Magnetism, Budapest 1980).
- O. Novotny, K. Pec, J. Pecova: Matrix method of computing the impedance of a layered isotropic medium. Contr. Geophys. Inst. Slov. Acad. Sci. 13 (1982), 65-73.
- E.V. Voronina, T.A. Proskuryakova, O. Novotny: The use of PL waves to determining the Earth’s structure. Izv AN SSSR, ser. Fizika Zemli, 1983, No. 7, 27-33 (in Russian).
- O. Novotny: On the addition theorem for Legendre polynomials. In: Travaux Geophys. 30 (1982), 33-45.
- J. Jansky, O. Novotny: Derivatives of travel time curves in a horizontally layered medium. Studia geoph. et geod. 27 (1983), 233-240.
- O. Novotny: Theoretical dispersion curves for the seismic profile Kasperske Hory (Czechoslovakia) - Ksiaz (Poland). Studia geoph. et geod. 27 (1983), 157-163.
- O. Novotny: Is the Earth’s magnetic field caused by tides? Cs. cas. fyz. (A), 33 (1983), 519-520 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: A proof of Pythagoras’ theorem. Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikalni 61 (1982/83), No. 9, 365-366 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Simplified theory of series for the gravitational and geomagnetic potential. Studia geoph. et geod. 27 (1983), 346-353.
- O. Novotny, L. Urban: Prediction of magnetic fields for Uranus and Neptune. Studia geoph. et geod. 30 (1986), 291-296.
- O. Novotny, T.A. Proskuryakova, A.V. Shilov: Dispersion of Rayleigh waves along the Prague-Warsaw profile. Studia geoph. et geod. 39 (1995), 138-147.
- O. Novotny, L.V. Burlako, T.A. Proskuryakova: Modifications of dispersion relations for surface waves in a layer on a half-space. Studia geoph. et geod. 40 (1996), 167-177.
- O. Novotny: A preliminary seismic model for the region of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarms. Studia geoph. et geod. 40 (1996), 353-366.
- J. Horalek, V. Rudajev, O. Novotny et al.: Seismic regime of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarms region. Acta montana IRSM AS CR (1996), ser. AB, No. 2 (99), 59-69.
- O. Novotny, M. Grad, C.-E. Lund, L. Urban: Verification of the lithosperic structure along profile Uppsala-Prague using surface wave dispersion. Studia geoph. et geod. 41 (1997), 15-28.
- J. Jansky, O. Novotny: Reintepretation of the travel times of P waves generated by quarry blasts in Western Bohemia. Acta montana IRSM AS CR (1997), ser. A, No. 11 (104), 35-48.
- K. Holub, O. Novotny: Interpretation of the dispersion curves of short-period Rayleigh waves observed in the West Carpatians. Acta montana IRSM AS CR (1997), ser. A, No. 11 (104), 49-58.
- O. Novotny: A fast method of computing group-velocity partial derivatives for Love waves propagating in a layer on a half-space. Studia geoph. et geod. 43 (1999), 78-86.
- O. Novotny, J. Zahradnik, G-A. Tselentis: Northwestern Turkey earthquakes and the crustal structure inferred from surface waves observed in western Greece. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 91 (2001), 875-879.
- J. Malek, M. Broz, T. Fischer, J. Horalek, P. Hrubcova, J. Jansky, O. Novotny, B. Ruzek and the CELEBRATION working group: Seismic measurements along short profiles in western Bohemia during the Celebration 2000 experiment. Acta Montana IRSM AS CR (21), ser. A No. 18 (121), 2001, 15-28.
Papers in conference and workshop proceedings:
- K. Pec, O. Novotny: La structure de l’ecorce terrestre en Tchecoslovaquie a la base de la dispersion des ondes superficielles. In: Proc. of the 8th Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Budapest 1964. Ed. E. Bisztricsany, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado 1968, 189-191.
- O. Novotny: On possibilities of studying the
uppermost parts of the Earth’s crust by means of short-period surface
waves (T=1-5s). In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of
Loucna 1971. Brno, Inst. of Appl. Geophys. 1971, 31-44 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: On some methods of interpreting the travel-time curves of reflected waves. In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1971. Brno, Inst. of Appl. Geophys. 1971, 85-92 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, K. Pec: Low-velocity channels in the Earth’s crust and their influence on seismic surface waves. In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1972. Brno, Inst. of Appl. Geophys. 1972, 169-187 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, K. Pec: Fundamental and higher modes of Love waves for different crust-mantle models. In: Proc. of the 12th E.S.C. Meeting, Brasov 1972. Bucharest 1975, 103-120.
- O. Novotny: Densities in the Earth’s crust and their influence on Love wave dispersion. In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1973. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1973, 89-103 (in Czech).
- V. Cerveny, O. Novotny: Matrix methods in the propagation of seismic waves. In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1973. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1973, 147-161 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Computation of the parameters of a horizontally layered medium from the travel times of reflected waves. In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1974. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1974, 177-188 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Computation of the partial derivatives of the dispersion curves of seismic surface waves. In: Geophysikalische Interpretations-methoden. Bratislava, Veda 1978, 151-155.
- V. Cerveny, O. Novotny, A. Plesinger, J. Plomerova: Determination of the crustal and upper mantle structure from the spectra of seismic body waves. In: Theory and Computers in Geophysics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1975. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1976, 104-130 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Can the tides in liquids cause a transport of mass? In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry. Proc. of workshop, Zvikovske Podhradi 1978. Brno, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1979, 349-357 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, T.A. Proskuryakova, E.V. Voronina: Investigations of surface waves in the region of the VII-th International Profile of deep seismic soundings. In: Investigation of the Deep Geological Structure of Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1980. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1980, 57-64 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, T.A. Proskuryakova, E.V. Voronina: Comparison of the results of surface wave investigations and deep seismic soundings along the International Profile VII. In: Proc. of the 17th Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Budapest 1980. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 325-328.
- V. Cerveny, Z. Martinec, O. Novotny, K. Pec: A review of methods of determining the densities on the basis of seismic data. In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry, Part II. Proc. of workshop, Zvikovske Podhradi 1980. Brno, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1981, 23-42 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Tides in the planetary cores and possible relations to planetary magnetism. In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry, Part I. Proc. of workshop, Zvikovske Podhradi 1980. Brno, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1981, 117-125 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Empirical relations between planetary magnetism and tides. In: The 7th National Conference of Geophysicists. Proceedings, section S3, Gottwaldov 1980. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1980, 27-31 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Derivation of the addition theorem for Legendre polynomials by means of recurrent formulae. In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry. Proc. of workshop, Liblice 1982. Praha, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1983, 49-55 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: On a possible pronounced fault in the upper mantle near the northern border of Czechoslovakia and its surface indications. In: Contemporary Problems of Seismology. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1983. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1983, 138-145 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: On causes of earthquakes from the point of view of some global processes. In: Prediction of the Earthquake Effects at Important Localities in Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Praha 1984. Brno, Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Charles University - Geofyzika Brno 1985, 139-146 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, L. Urban: A comparison of the transfer properties of a medium regarding the propagation of body and surface seismic waves. In: Prediction of the Earthquake Effects at Important Localities in Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Praha 1984. Brno, Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Charles University - Geofyzika Brno 1985, 227-238 (in Czech).
- D. Prochazkova, O. Novotny: Deep discontinuities in the region of the northern border of Czechoslovakia and their geophysical consequences. In: Investigation of the Deep Geological Structure of Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1984. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1984, 139-147 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Can the tectonic earthquakes be caused by chemical processes? In: Investigation of the Deep Geological Structure of Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1984. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1984, 149-155 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: On the necessity of investigating the physical properties of rocks saturated by compounds of hydrogen. In: Physical Properties of Rocks and Their Application in Geophysics and Geology. Proc. of workshop, Liblice 1984. Praha, JCSMF 1984, 136-139 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, L. Urban: Precession and tides in a relation to planetary magnetism. In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry. Proc. of workshop, Liblice 1984. Praha, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1985, 111-124 (in Czech).
- A.L. Levshin, L.I. Ratnikova, M.P. Barmin, V.F. Babkina, O. Novotny, T.L. Kronrod, G.D. Kovaleva: Library of geophysical programmes at the Department of Computer Geophysics, Institute of Physics of the Earth, Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R., No. 3. Moscow, Inst. Phys. Earth, Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. 1985 (in Russian).
- O. Novotny: A gradient method of interpreting a system of travel time curves. In: Methods of Data Processing in Reflection and Refraction Seismics. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1985. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1985, 118-124 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Earthquakes and geochemical processes. In: Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on the Analysis of Seismicity and Seismic Risk, Liblice 1985. Praha, Geophys. Inst. CSAS 1985, 287-292.
- H. Boncheva, V. Cerveny, M. Kostov, P. Moczo, O. Novotny, I. Psencik, J. Zahradnik (ed.): Short Description of Computer Programs for Studying Seismic Response of Near-Surface Geological Structures. Institute of Geophysics, Charles University, Praha 1985.
- O. Novotny, A. Plesinger, T.A. Proskuryakova: Is there a sharp Moho discontinuity in Central Europe? In: Investigation of the Deep Geological Structure of Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Loucna 1986. Brno, Geofyzika Brno 1986, 41-50 (in Czech).
- O. Cadek, O. Novotny, J. Zahradnik: A detailed investigation of the macroseismic effects in the town of Cheb during the earthquake on December 21, 1985. In: Computer Processing of the Data from the Czechoslovak Seismic Network. Proc. of workshop, Marianske Lazne 1986. Bratislava, Geophys. Inst. SAS - Geophys. Inst. CSAS 1986, 108-116 (in Czech).
- J. Zahradnik, O. Cadek, O. Novotny: Distribution of the maximum intensities during the earthquake of December 21, 1985, in Western Bohemia and its possible explanation from the point of view of focal mechanism. In: Computer Processing of the Data from the Czechoslovak Seismic Network. Proc. of workshop, Marianske Lazne 1986. Bratislava, Geophys. Inst. SAS - Geophys. Inst. CSAS 1986, 117-133 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: Elementary methods of earthquake localization which do not require the absolute time. In: Computer Processing of the Data from the Czechoslovak Seismic Network. Proc. of workshop, Marianske Lazne 1986. Bratislava, Geophys. Inst. SAS - Geophys. Inst. CSAS 1986, 261-265 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, O. Cadek, J. Zahradnik: Changes in the outpouring of the mineral springs in Frantiskovy Lazne in connection with the earthquake. In: Computer Processing of the Data from the Czechoslovak Seismic Network. Proc. of workshop, Marianske Lazne 1986. Bratislava, Geophys. Inst. SAS - Geophys. Inst. CSAS 1986, 288-295 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: On general formulae for the gravitational field of two-dimensional homogeneous bodies. In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry. Proc. of workshop, Liblice 1986. Praha, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1987, 115-122 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny: A generalized gradient method and solving some seismic problems. In: Mathematical Methods of Solution of Inverse Problems of Geophysical Fields. Proceedings of workshop in Smolenice 1986. Bratislava, Geophys. Inst. of the Slovak Acad. Sci. 1987, 51-61.
- T.A. Proskuryakova, O. Novotny, A.V. Shilov: Dispersion of Rayleigh waves along profiles Riga-Prague and Minsk-Prague. VINITI U.S.S.R., Moscow 1987 (19 pp., in Russian).
- J. Zahradnik, O. Novotny, O. Cadek: Intensity of the main shock of the West-Bohemia swarm 1985-86 in the town of Cheb and other sites close to epicentre. In: Earthquake Swarm 1985/86 in Western Bohemia. Proceedings of workshop in Marianske Lazne, 1986. Praha, Geophys. Inst. of the Czechosl. Acad. Sci. 1987, 64-67.
- O. Novotny, O. Cadek, J. Zahradnik: Changes of the mineral springs in Frantiskovy Lazne spa in connection with the earthquake swarm 1985-86. In: Earthquake Swarm 1985/86 in Western Bohemia. Proceedings of workshop in Marianske Lazne, 1986. Praha, Geophys. Inst. of the Czechosl. Acad. Sci. 1987, 68-75.
- O. Novotny, C. Matyska: Changes of mineral springs in connection with the earthquake swarm 1985/86 in Western Bohemia. In: Induced Seismicity and Associated Phenomena. Proceedings of workshop in Liblice, 1988. Praha, Geophys. Inst. of the Czechosl. Acad. Sci. 1988, 165-169.
- O. Novotny, L. Urban: Seismic models of the Bohemian Massiff and of some adjacent regions derived from deep seismic soundings and surface wave investigations: a review. In: Induced Seismicity and Associated Phenomena. Proceedings of workshop in Liblice, 1988. Praha, Geophys. Inst. of the Czechosl. Acad. Sci. 1988, 227-249.
- O. Novotny: Lithosphere dynamics in Central Europe from the point of view of some recent investigations. In: Investigation of the Deep Geological Structure of Czechoslovakia. Proc. of workshop, Smolenice 1988. Brno, Geophys. Inst. SAS - Geofyzika Brno 1988, 99-113 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, C. Matyska: Changes of mineral springs during the earthquake swarm 1985/86 in Western Bohemia. In: Proc. XXI General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Sofia 1988, 486-489.
- O. Novotny, L. Urban: A verification of some assumed relations between tides and planetary magnetism. In: Problems of Contemporary Gravimetry. Proc. of workshop, Liblice 1988. Praha, Geophys. Inst. CSAS - Geofyzika Brno 1988, 85-91 (in Czech).
- J. Zahradnik, O. Novotny, L. Urban, V. Bartak, J. Jech, A. Plesinger: Methods of analyzing earthquake effects at building sites. In: Dynamics of Structures ‘89. Karlovy Vary 1989, 27-34.
- K. Holub, O. Novotny: The effect of sedimentary layers on the dispersion of short-period Rayleigh waves. In: Computer Processing of the Data from the Czechoslovak Seismic Network. Proc. of workshop, Modra 1989. Bratislava, Geophys. Inst. SAS 1991, 95-102 (in Czech).
- O. Novotny, T.A. Proskuryakova, A.V. Shilov: Dispersion of Rayleigh waves along the Prague-Warsaw profile. Proc. of the XXIV General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Athens 1994, 1005-1006.
- O. Novotny: Some results of investigating the crustal and upper mantle structure in central Europe by means of seismic surface waves. In: 5th International Congress of the Brazilian Geohysical Society, Sao Paulo 1997, vol. II, 900-901.
Ph.D. thesis:
- O. Novotny: The Influence of the Parameters of a Layered Medium on Love Wave Dispersion Curves. Praha, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University 1970.
Other papers:
- 11 review papers.
- About 25 progress reports elaborated for the enterprise ”Geofyzika Brno” (formerly the Institute of Applied Geophysics in Brno) and for the Building Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague.