Miroslav Hallo
Section of Strong Motion Seismology (SMS), Room S-404D,
Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI),
Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji
611-0011 Kyoto, Japan
京都大学 防災研究所 地震防災研究部門
Web ETH Zürich,
Web of Science
Professional Records
1985 | Born in Pisek, Czech Republic |
2000 | Young astronomer of year Award from the Czech Astronomical Society |
2004 - 2008 | BSc in Physics and Geology at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic |
2008 - 2011 | MSc in Geology at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic |
2010 | Study internship at University of Bergen, Norway |
2011/03 - 2011/09 | Assistant Geophysicist at Sihaya Ltd. |
2011/09 - 2016/04 | Geophysicist and Project Leader at Seismik Ltd. |
2013 | RNDr. in Geology at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic |
2014/10 - 2018/09 | Ph.D. in Geophysics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic |
2016/11 - 2016/12 | Short-therm Research Visit at Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Japan |
2016/05 - 2019/04 | Research Assistant at Charles University, Prague |
2019/05 - 2021/04 | Postdoctoral Researcher at Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
2021/05 - 2023/08 | Senior Researcher (Oberassistant) at Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
2023/09 - Present | International Fellowship for Research in Japan, at Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Japan |
Software (Download)
- Uncertainty of Earth's crust model in waveform-based earthquake source inversions
- Open source functions for determining the covariance matrix of Green's functions by approximate covariance functions (ACF, AXCF) and stationarized approximate covariance functions (SACF, SAXCF). Methodology following Hallo and Gallovič (2016).
- Bayesian earthquake hypocenter location from direct P and S-waves arrival times
- Open source Matlab functions for assessment of the earthquake hypocenter location by grid search method in the homogeneous or 1D layered medium. The inverse problem is build in the Bayesian probabilistic framework by Tarantola (2005, Chapter 7.1). For methodology see supplement of paper Hallo et al. (2019).
- Major and Minor DC MT decomposition preserving the dominant P- or T-axis
- Open source functions for decomposition of non-DC MTs with preserved dominant P- or T-axis and plotting trinity of beach-balls. The dominant axis direction is preserved for both the major and minor DC MTs. Methodology following Hallo et al. (2017, 2019).
- Plot PT-axes into polar diagram and the triangle diagram
- Open source Matlab functions for plotting PT-axes into polar diagram, and triangle diagram (Frohlich 1992) of DC focal mechanisms.
- Plot moment tensor(s) into the lune diagram
- Open source Matlab functions for plotting non-DC moment tensor(s) into lune diagram (Tape and Tape 2013).
- Parametric Slip Inversion (PSI)
- Open source program for trans-dimensional Bayesian self-adapting fault slip inversion with Green's functions uncertainty. Methodology following Hallo and Gallovič (2020). Available upon request.
- Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) random walk, and the reversible-jump MCMC with reciprocal prior
- Open source Matlab functions in the Electronic supplement of Hallo et al. (2021).
- Glueer, F., Mreyen, A.-S., Cauchie, L., Havenith, H.-B., Bergamo, P., Hallo, M., Fäh, D. (2024): Integrating Seismic Methods for Characterizing and Monitoring Landslides: A Case Study of the Heinzenberg Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (Switzerland), Geosciences, 14 (2): 28, DOI: 10.3390/geosciences14020028. PDF download.
- Hallo, M., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2023): Multipath transfer-function correction method to predict site-specific amplification at city scale, Seismol. Res. Lett., 95 (1), pp. 172-185, DOI: 10.1785/0220230213.
- Hallo, M., Imtiaz, A., Koroni, M., Perron, V., Fäh, D. (2023): Characterization and modeling of ground motion at depth in soft sedimentary rocks: Application to the Swiss Molasse Basin, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 173:108089, DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2023.108089. PDF download.
- Carrasco, S., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Margerin, L., Schmelzbach, C., Onodera, K., Pan, L., Lognonné, P., Menina, S., Giardini, D., Stutzmann, E., Clinton, J., Stähler, S., Schimmel, M., Golombek, M., Hobiger, M., Hallo, M., Kedar, S., Banerdt, W.B. (2023): Empirical H/V spectral ratios at the InSight landing site and implications for the martian subsurface structure, Geophys. J. Int., 232 (2), pp. 1293–1310, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggac391.
- Hallo, M., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2022): Stochastic model to characterize high-frequency ground motion at depth validated by KiK-net vertical array data, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 112 (4), pp. 1997–2017, DOI: 10.1785/0120220038.
- Moghtased-Azar, K., Zeynal-Kheiri, H., Hallo, M. (2022): Investigating the effects of random data errors on the waveform-based moment tensor inversion, Geophys. J. Int., 229 (1), pp. 97–109, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab445.
- Hobiger, M., Hallo, M., Schmelzbach, C., Stähler, S., Fäh, D., Giardini, D., Golombek, M., Clinton, J., Dahmen, N., Zenhäusern, G., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Carrasco, S., Charalambous, C., Hurst, K., Kedar, S., Banerdt, W.B. (2021): The shallow structure of Mars at the InSight landing site from inversion of ambient vibrations, Nature Communications, 12:6756. Electronic supplement.
- Shynkarenko, A., Lontsi, A.M., Kremer, K., Bergamo, P., Hobiger, M., Hallo, M., Fäh, D. (2021): Investigating the subsurface in a shallow water environment using array and single-station ambient vibration techniques, Geophys. J. Int., 227 (3), pp. 1857–1878, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab314. Electronic supplement.
- Hallo, M., Imperatori, W., Panzera, F., Fäh, D. (2021): Joint multizonal transdimensional Bayesian inversion of surface wave dispersion and ellipticity curves for local near-surface imaging, Geophys. J. Int., 226 (1), pp. 627-659, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab116. Electronic supplement.
- Hallo, M., Gallovič, F. (2020): Bayesian Self-Adapting Fault Slip Inversion With Green's Functions Uncertainty and Application on the 2016 Mw7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB018703. Electronic supplement.
- Hallo, M., Opršal, I., Asano, K., Gallovič, F. (2019): Seismotectonics of the 2018 Northern Osaka M6.1 earthquake and its aftershocks: joint movements on strike-slip and reverse faults in inland Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 71:34. PDF download.
- Hallo, M., Asano, K., Gallovič, F. (2017): Bayesian inference and interpretation of centroid moment tensors of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Kyushu, Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 69:134. PDF download.
- Hallo, M., Gallovič, F. (2016): Fast and cheap approximation of Green functions uncertainty for waveform-based earthquake source inversions, Geophys. J. Int., 207, 1012-1029. Electronic supplement, software download.
- Hallo, M., Oprsal, I., Eisner, L., Mohammed, Y.A. (2014): Prediction of Magnitude of the Largest Potentially Induced Seismic Event, Journal of Seismology, 18 (3), pp. 421-431.
- Eisner, L., Gei, D., Hallo, M., Oprsal, I., Mohammed, Y.A. (2013): The Peak Frequency of Direct Waves for Microseismic Events, Geophysics, 78 (6), A45-A49, 10.1190/GEO2013-0197.1.
- Hallo, M. (2011): Distribution of earthquake hypocentres in epicentral area Nový Kostel, Geological research in Moravia and Silesia, 18, pp. 23-27, (in Czech with English abstract).
- Hallo, M., Asano, K., Iwata, T. (2024). Systematic evaluation of Horizontal-to-Vertical earthquake spectral ratios in the Kansai Area, DPRI Annual Meeting, February 21 2024, Extended Abstract, A107, Kyoto, Japan.
- Hallo, M., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2022): Full-waveform prediction of high-frequency ground motion at depth from surface recordings in Japan, In: Arion, C., Scupin, A., Ţigănescu, A. (eds), Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology - 3ECEES, September 5-9 2022, Bucharest, Romania, Conspress, Bucharest, pp. 4914-4921.
- Hallo, M., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2021): On stochastic model to characterize high-frequency ground motion at depth, The 6th IASPEI / IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, GS5-P07, Kyoto, Japan.
- Hallo, M., Imperatori, W., Panzera, F., Fäh, D. (2021): Joint probabilistic multi-zonal trans-dimensional inversion on properties of near-surface layers from dispersion and ellipticity curves, The 6th IASPEI / IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, GS2-P02, Kyoto, Japan.
- Fäh, D., Bergamo, P., Chieppa, D., Glueer, F., Häusler, M., Hallo, M., Hammer, C., Hobiger, M., Imperatori, W., Imtiaz, A., Janusz, P., Kremer, K, Lontsi, A., Panzera, F., Perron, V., Shynkarenko, A. (2021): Earthquake ground motion observations and modeling in areas of moderate seismicity: Strategies for site-specific seismic hazard assessment in Switzerland, The 6th IASPEI / IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, GS5-K01, Kyoto, Japan.
- Hallo, M., Eisner, L. (2013): Influence of the double-couple source model on the sensitivity of microseismic monitoring networks, 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts, We-P12-09, London 2013.
- Hallo, M. (2012): Microseismic Surface Monitoring Network Design - Sensitivity and Accuracy, 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts, P021, Copenhagen.
- Hallo, M., Eisner, L., Mohammed, Y.A. (2012): Expected level of seismic activity caused by volumetric changes, First Break, 30 (7), pp. 97-100.
- Hallo, M.: Doctoral Thesis: Influence of velocity model uncertainty in earthquake source inversions, Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague 2018. PDF
- Hallo, M.: Advanced Diploma Thesis: Characteristic of the Active Structure in the Seismo-active zone Nový Kostel (western Bohemia) Based on the Spatial and Time Distribution of Seismic Events, Department of Geological Sciences & Institute of Physics of the Earth, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno 2013. PDF
- Hallo, M.: Diploma Thesis: Study of geometry of the seismo-active structure in the epicentral area Nový Kostel (western Bohemia), Department of Geological Sciences & Institute of Physics of the Earth, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno 2011, (in Czech with English abstract). PDF
- Hallo, M.: Bachelor Thesis: Investigation of semiconductor multilayers using x-ray diffraction, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno 2007, (in Czech with English abstract). PDF
Selected Presentations
- Hallo, M., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2022): Predizione della forma d'onda dello scuotimento in profondità, a partire da registrazioni di terremoti in superificie: applicazione a siti ed eventi giapponesi, Speech, GNGTS 2022, Trieste, Italy.
- Hallo, M. (2021): Strategies for evaluation of the local seismic hazard of important buildings and near-surface amplification of seismic waves in unusual locations, Invited lecture, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
- Hobiger, M., Hallo, M., Schmelzbach, C., Stähler, S., Fäh, D., Giardini, D., Golombek, M., Clinton, J., Dahmen, N., Zenhäusern, G., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Carrasco, S., Charalambous, C., Hurst, K., Kedar, S., Banerdt, W.B. (2021): Inversion of the Rayleigh wave ellipticity at the InSight landing site for the shallow Martian structure, Speech, ESC2021, virtual.
- Hallo, M., Imperatori, W., Panzera, F., Fäh, D. (2021): Novel Bayesian inversion of dispersion and ellipticity curves intended for subsurface characterization, Speech, ESC2021, virtual.
- Hallo, M., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2020): An approach to characterize high-frequency ground motion at depth, Speech, SGM 2020, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Hallo, M., Imperatori, W., Panzera, F., Fäh, D. (2019): Joint probabilistic self-adapting inversion on properties of near-surface layers from dispersion and ellipticity curves, Speech, SGM 2019, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Hallo, M., Gallovic, F. (2019): Self-adapting Bayesian fault slip inversion with Green function uncertainty: Demonstration on the 2016 M7 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, Poster, SSA Meeting, Seattle, USA.
- Hallo, M. (2019): A priori information about seismic moment tensors with its utilization, Speech, MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Asano, K., Iwata, T., Hallo, M. (2018): Rupture Process of the 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake (Mw 5.6), an Earthquake Involving Both Thrust and Strike-slip Faults Near a Junction of Major Active Fault Systems Surrounding the Osaka Basin, Japan, Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., USA.
- Asano, K., Iwata, T., Hallo, M. (2018): Source Rupture Process of the 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake Estimated by Strong Motion Waveforms, Speech, SSJ Fall Meeting, Koriyama city, Japan, (in Japanese).
- Hallo, M., Gallovic, F. (2018): Bayesian self-adapting fault slip inversion with Green functions uncertainty: demonstration on the Mw7 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, Speech, ESC2018, Valletta, Malta.
- Hallo, M., Asano, K., Gallovic, F. (2017): Bayesian inference of centroid moment tensors of the April 2016, Kumamoto (Kyushu, Japan), earthquake sequence, Speech, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe, Japan.
- Hallo, M., Gallovic, F. (2016): Fast and cheap approximation of Green functions uncertainty for waveform-based earthquake source inversions, Speech, ESC2016, Trieste, Italy.
- Hallo, M., Gallovic, F. (2015): Uncertainty of Green functions for waveform-based earthquake source inversions, Poster, IUGG, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Research fields
- - Ray theory, inverse problem theory, Bayesian inference, transdimensional inversion, covariance matrix, Monte-Carlo methods
- - Absolute and relative hypocenter location, CMT inversion, moment tensor decomposition, finite-extent fault slip models, uncertainty analysis
- - Stress-field inversion, seismotectonic interpretation, earthquake swarms, induced and triggered seismicity
- - Seismic hazard, site characterization, modelling of ground motion at depth, ambient noise surface waves, GMPE
- Programming skills
- Matlab, Fortran, Pascal, C++, Delphi, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bash, SQL, Perl, Python
- Languages
- Czech (native)
- English (advanced) - TOEFL iBT Certificate 88
- Japanese (intermediate) - Japanese-Language Proficiency Certificate, level JLPT4
- German (elementary)