Seminář o aktuálních problémech v oblasti geodynamického výzkumu zemského nitra
Seminar about recent advances in geodynamic modelling and exploration of the Earth and planetary interiors

Přístup pomocí Zoom Meetings

Zimní semestr / Winter term 2024/25

8. 10. John Jansen (GFÚ)
Cosmogenic nuclides at Earth's surface (in person)
15. 10. Menno Fraters (GFZ Potsdam)
Scientific World Building: a Cascadian example (in person)
22. 10. Allard Veenstra (TU Delft)
Lateral Melt Variations induce Shift in Io’s Peak Tidal Heating (online from NED)
29. 10. Mohit Lohani (MFF Prague)
The effects of continental lithospheric segments on long term evolution of Hellenic slab (in person)
12. 11. Screening: Francis Nimmo
Three surprises in planetary science (recording of a medal lecture by RAS)
19. 11. Anna Mittelholz (ETH Zurich)
Mars’ magnetic field: Progress and puzzles (in person)
26. 11. Vojtěch Patočka (MFF Prague)
Inertial particles in convecting fluids
3. 12. Andrea Adams (UCSD)
Modeling Lithospheric Delamination on Venus (online from USA)
17. 12. Laëtitia Lebec (MFF Prague)
Salt exchange in ocean worlds hydrospheres
7. 1. Vít Beran (MFF Prague)
Parametrized model of a cooling magma chamber

Semináře se konají v úterky od 14:00 v přednáškové místnosti katedry v Troji s možností přenosu pomocí Zoom meetings.
All talks take place on Tuesday at 2:00 pm in the department lecture room and can be attended virtually (Zoom link).