Ctirad Matyska
Department of Geophysics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Charles University
Mail address: KG MFF UK, V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Phone: (+420) 95155 2538
Fax: (+420) 95155 2555
E-mail: cm@karel.troja.mff.cuni.cz
More detailed homepage in Czech
Areas of research interests
Mantle dynamics, numerical modelling of mantle convection, free oscillations, seismic source,
viscoelastic response of the Earth, heat extraction from deep boreholes, symmetries of the planets,
variational (weak) formulations of geophysical problems, non-linear dynamics,
geodetic boundary-value problems
Curriculum vitae
April 17, 1958 in Prague
- Graduated in geophysics in 1982 with honors
(Thesis: Optimization of the steady-state heat equation - thermal field
under the mid-ocean ridges (in Czech)).
- RNDr in 1982.
- PhD in 1987.
(Thesis: Application of the optimal control methods
to potential fields of the Earth (in Czech)).
- Associate Professor Degree in 1993
(Thesis: Gravity field and dynamics of the Earth's mantle).
- DrSc in 1998
(Thesis: Some problems of contemporary geodynamics).
Study and employment:
- 1977-1982: Study of geophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Charles University.
- 1983-1986: PhD study at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
- 1987-1990: Research Associate at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
- August 1, 1990 - June 30, 1997 : Assistant Professor,
Department of Geophysics, Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
- 1992-2000: Librarian of the Department of Geophysics.
- April 1, 1999 - June 30, 2006: Deputy head of the Department of Geophysics.
- July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2014: Head of the Department of Geophysics.
- July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015: Deputy head of the Department of Geophysics.
- 1992-2015: Responsibility for the budget of the Department of Geophysics.
- 2015 - 2020: Member of the Dean Advisory Board.
- Since 2020: Member of the Extended Dean Advisory Board.
- Since July 1, 1997: Associate Professor,
Department of Geophysics, Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
Membership in editorial boards of journals, in scientific boards of institutes
and in international committees:
- 2004:
Membership in the selection committee for the EGU Augustus Love medal
for the Geodynamics division.
- May 26, 1997 - December 31, 2006: Membership in the Scientific board of the
Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby.
- March 18, 2009 - November 18, 2015:
Membership in the Czech National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics.
- 2001 - 2015:
Membership in the Editorial board of Pokroky matematiky, fyziky
a astronomie.
- 1999 - 2016:
Associate editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, series Solid Earth.
- Since August 16, 1993:
Membership in the Editorial board of Studia geophysica
et geodaetica (editor since 2000).
- June 30, 1982: Awarded by the rector of the Charles University for the studying results achieved.
- 1987: Awarded by the Czech Literature Fund for the papers
One thermal model of the young oceanic lithosphere: Direct problem
and The optimal shape design method applied to modelling
thermal thinning of the oceanic lithosphere near hot spots
published in 1986.
Lectures and lecture notes
Lecture notes:
- C. Matyska: Mathematical Introduction to Geothermics and Geodynamics,
The lecture note is available in PDF (0.8 MB),
PostScript (2.2 MB).
- C. Matyska: Selected Chapters from the Theory of Partial Differential Equations,
The lecture note is available in PDF (1.9 MB).
Theses and projects
PhD theses supervised:
- L. Vecsey: Chaos in thermal convection and the
wavelet analysis of geophysical fields (finished in 2002).
The thesis is available in
PDF (25 MB).
- R. Bourkova: Modelling of lithospheric deformations (finished in 2003 by defending a RNDr. thesis).
- M. Kukacka: Numerical modelling of the mantle wedge (finished in 2008).
The thesis is available in
PDF (13 MB).
- E. Zabranova: High-frequency dynamics of large bodies (finished in 2015).
The thesis is available in
PDF (4 MB).
Master theses supervised:
- Moserova, R.: Symmetries of geophysical fields (finished in 1991, in Czech).
- Zima, R.: Tidal influence of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth (finished in 1993, in Czech).
- Bystrzycki, D.: Study of the Saltzman equations (finished in 1994, in Czech).
- Mahdalova, E.: Thermal convection in the Earth's mantle (finished in 1994, in Czech).
- Mistr, Z.: Fluid dynamics in the Earth's outer core: Effects of rotation and adiabatic heating (finished in 1996).
- J. Velimsky: Numerical simulations of the magnetohydrodynamic system (finished in 1998).
- R. Lavickova: Spectral characteristic of the magnetohydrodynamic equations (finished in 1998).
- M. Kukacka: The Stokes problem for non-linear rheologies (finished in 2000, in Czech).
- P. Toman: Viscoelastic response of the Earth in a cartesian geometry (finished in 2002).
- L. Kostal: Free-oscillations of the maxwellian Earth's models (finished in 2003, in Czech).
- L. Inovecky: Postglacial relaxation of the Earth's models in a cylindrical geometry (finished
in 2003).
The thesis is available in PDF (3.4 MB).
- T. Pergler: Postseismic relaxation of the Earth's models with maxwellian rheology (finished
in 2004, in Czech).
- P. Grinac: Seismic source modelling (finished in 2007).
- E. Zabranova: Free-oscillations and tides of moons and planets (finished in 2008, in Czech).
- H. Sustkova: Influence of depth dependence of the Earth's mantle properties on thermal convection characteristics (finished in 2014, in Czech).
The thesis is available in PDF (9.0 MB).
- M. Dostalik: Influence of material parameters on stability of thermal convection (finished in 2016).
The thesis is available in PDF (1.6 MB).
Bachelor theses supervised:
- L. Sachl: Thermal convection as a nonlinear dynamical system:
influence of heat transfer by radiation (finished in 2009, in Czech).
Research projects supervised:
- 1993-1996: Principal investigator ot the grant No. 93002
Modelling, Inversion and Large-Scale Computations in Geophysics
in the framework of the Czechoslovak-American research and technical
development program; the American counterpart was prof. David A. Yuen from
the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.
- 1998-2000: Principal investigator of the Charles University grant
No. 170/1998/B GEO/MFF
Computer simulations of nonlinear planetary dynamics.
- 2000-2001: The Czech coordinater of the
NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant EST.CLG.977093
Large-Scale Computational and Visualization Problems in Geophysics.
The American coordinater was prof. David A. Yuen from the
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
and the Canadian coordinator was prof. Alain P. Vincent
from the University of Montreal.
- From September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2003: Guarantee for the postdoc grant
of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic No. 205/00/D113
Viscoelastic deformation of the Earth obtained by L. Hanyk.
- 2001-2003: Principal investigator of the Charles University grant
No. 238/2001/B-GEO/MFF Modelling of global physical fields of
the Earth's mantle and the lithosphere.
- 2005-2007: Guarantee for the postdoc project of the MSMT
1K05003 Conductivity structure in the lithosphere and the Earth's mantle
inferred from the satellite geomagnetic data.
Membership in research projects:
- Grants supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic:
No. 202/93/0450 (1993-1995)
Study of the structure and processes in the Earth's mantle,
No. 205/94/0500 (1994-1996)
Determination of precise regional geoid,
No. 205/96/0212 (1996-1998)
Modelling of dynamical processes in the Earth's interior,
No. 205/97/1015 (1997-1999)
Precise gravimetric geoid: Theoretical and numerical approaches,
No. 205/00/0906 (2000-2002)
Glacial relaxation of the Earth and mantle viscosity: 3-D modelling,
No. 205/03/0778 (2003-2005)
Glacial rebound of the Earth: The tool to determine lateral viscosity structure,
No. 205/06/0580 (2006-2008)
Inference of the Earth's lateral viscosity structure from observations of the GRACE gravity mission, GPS and glacial isostatic adjustment,
No. 205/09/0546 (2009-2011)
Reconciling present-day and long-term ice-mass variations resolved from satellite observations with glacial-isostatic-adjustment models,
No. P210/11/1366 (2011-2013)
Transport properties and dynamics of the Earth's lower mantle,
No. 14-04372S (2014-2016)
Multiscale spatial-temporal complexity of tectonic earthquake sources.
- Grants supported by the Grant Agency of the Charles University:
No. 320 (1993) Dynamics of the Earth's mantle,
No. 1/97/B-GEO/MFF (1997-1998)
Modelling of the viscoelastic response of the Earth,
No. 175/2000/B-GEO/MFF(2000-2002)
Integration methods in modelling of the viscoelastic response
of the Earth,
No. 141610 (2010-2012)
Free-oscillations and viscoelastic tides of selfgravitating planetary bodies:
pseudospectral approach.
- Grants supported by EC:
Prague center of mathematical geophysics, meteorology and their applications
MAGMA (2003-2005).
List of reviewed publications:
- Matyska, C. and Zabranova, E.:
Heat extraction calculations for deep coaxial borehole heat exchangers: matrix analytical approach,
Geophys. J. Int., 235, 2023, 2323–2338.
The paper is available in PDF (1.8 MB).
- Dostalik, M., Matyska, C. and Prusa, V.:
Weakly nonlinear analysis of Rayleigh–Benard convection problem in extended Boussinesq approximation,
Appl. Math. Comp., 408, 2021, 126374.
The paper is available in PDF (1.3 MB).
- Zabranova, E., Matyska, C., Stemberk, J. and Malek, J.:
Eigenoscillations and Stability of Rocking Stones: The Case Study of ‘‘The Hus Pulpit’’ in
The Central Bohemian Pluton,
Pure Appl. Geophys., 177, 2020, 1907-1916.
The paper is available in PDF (1.4 MB).
- Fischer, T., Matyska, C. and Heinicke, J.:
Earthquake-enhanced permeability – evidence from carbon dioxide release following
the ML 3.5 earthquake in West Bohemia,
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , 460, 2017, 60-67.
The paper is available in PDF (1.7 MB).
- Zabranova, E. and Matyska, C.:
Inversion of the moment-tensor Mrr components of the 2012 Sumatra
strike-slip double earthquake using radial normal modes,
Phys. Earth Planet. Int. , 262, 2017, 1–7.
The paper is available in PDF (1.0 MB).
- Zabranova, E. and Matyska, C.:
Low-frequency centroid moment tensor inversion of the 2015 Illapel earthquake
from superconducting-gravimeter data,
Pure Appl. Geophys., 173, 2016, 1021–1027.
The paper is available in PDF (0.9 MB).
- Zabranova, E. and Matyska, C.:
Low-frequency centroid-moment-tensor inversion from
superconducting-gravimeter data: The effect of seismic attenuation,
Phys. Earth Planet. Int. , 235, 2014, 25–32.
The paper is available in PDF (2.5 MB).
- Zabranova, E., Matyska, C., Hanyk, L. and Palinkas, V.:
Constraints on the centroid moment tensors of the 2010 Maule
and 2011 Tohoku earthquakes from radial modes,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, 2012, L18302.
The paper is available in PDF (0.4 MB).
- Cizkova, H., van den Berg A.P., Spakman, W. and Matyska, C.:
The viscosity of Earth's lower mantle inferred from sinking speed of subducted lithosphere,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 200-201, 2012, 56-62.
The paper is available in PDF (1.0 MB).
- Zabranova, E., Matyska, C. and Hanyk, L.:
Tests of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake source models using free-oscillation data from GOPE,
Studia Geophys. Geod., 56, 2012, 585-594.
The paper is available in PDF (0.5 MB).
- Matyska C., Yuen D.A., Wentzcovitch R.M. and Cizkova, H.:
The impact of variability in the rheological activation parameters
on lower-mantle viscosity stratification and its dynamics,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 188, 2011, 1-8.
The paper is available in PDF (1.9 MB).
- Cizkova, H., Cadek, O., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Implications of post-perovskite transport properties for core–mantle dynamics,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 180, 2010, 235-243.
The paper is available in PDF (1.4 MB).
- Kukacka, M. and Matyska, C.:
On the possibility of a steady state backflow in the mantle wedge,
Geophys. J. Int., 177, 2009, 1242-1248.
The paper is available in PDF (1.3 MB).
- Oprsal, I., Matyska, C. and Irikura, K.:
The source-box wave propagation hybrid methods: general
formulation and implementation,
Geophys. J. Int., 176, 2009, 555-564.
The paper is available in PDF (0.9 MB).
- Kukacka, M. and Matyska, C.:
Numerical model of heat flow in back-arc regions,
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 276, 2008, 243-252.
The paper is available in PDF (4.4 MB).
- Yuen, D.A., Matyska, C., Cadek, O. and Kameyama, M.:
The dynamical influences from physical properties in the lower mantle
and post-perovskite phase transition.
In: Post-perovskite: The Last Mantle Phase Transition,
eds. K. Hirose, J. Brodholt, T. Lay and D. Yuen,
Geophysical Monograph Series 174,
American Geophysical Union, 2007, pp. 249-270.
The manuscript is available in PDF (2.5 MB).
- Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Lower-mantle material properties and convection
models of multiscale plumes.
In: Plates, Plumes, and Planetary Processes,
eds. G.R. Foulger and D.M. Jurdy,
Geological Society of America Special Paper 430, 2007, pp.137–163.
The uncorrected proofs are available in PDF (3.7 MB).
- Pergler, T. and Matyska, C.:
A hybrid spectral and finite element method for coseismic
and postseismic deformation,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 163, 2007, 122-148.
The paper is available in PDF (2.8 MB).
- Behounkova, M., Cizkova, H., Matyska, C., Yuen, D.A. and Wang , M.S.:
Resolution tests of three-dimensional convection models by
traveltime tomography: effects of Rayleigh number and regular
versus irregular parametrization,
Geophys. J. Int., 170, 2007, 401–416.
The paper is available in PDF (2.6 MB).
- Yuen, D.A., Monnereau, M., Hansen, U., Kameyama, M. and Matyska, C.:
Dynamics of superplumes in the lower mantle.
In: Superplumes: Beyond Plate Tectonics, eds. D.A. Yuen, S. Maruyama,
S.-I. Karato and B.F. Windley, Springer 2007, pp. 239-267.
The paper is available in PDF (1.3 MB).
- Hanyk, L., Yuen, D.A., Matyska, C. and Velimsky, J.:
Visualization of time-dependent dynamics of postglacial rebound,
Visual Geosciences, 2007.
The paper is available in PDF (0.9 MB).
- Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Lower mantle dynamics with the post-perovskite phase change,
radiative thermal conductivity, temperature- and depth-dependent viscosity,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 154, 2006, 196-207.
The paper is available in PDF (1.2 MB).
- Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
The importance of radiative heat transfer on superplumes in the lower
mantle with the new post-perovskite phase change,
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 234, 2005, 71-81.
The paper is available in PDF (1.5 MB).
- Hanyk, L., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Short time-scale heating of the Earth's mantle by ice-sheet dynamics,
Earth Planets Space, 57, 2005, 895-902.
The paper is available in PDF (2.5 MB).
- Behounkova, M., Cizkova, H. and Matyska, C.:
Resolution tests of global geodynamic models by travel-time tomography,
Studia Geophys. Geod., 49, 2005,
The paper is available in PDF (1.7 MB).
- Cizkova, H. and Matyska, C.:
Layered convection with an interface
at a depth of 1000 km: stability and generation of slab-like downwellings,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 141, 2004, 269-279.
The paper is available in PDF (447 kB).
- Kukacka, M. and Matyska, C.:
Influence of the zone of weakness
on dip angle and shear heating of subducted slabs,
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 141, 2004, 243-252.
The paper is available in PDF (512 kB).
- Matyska, C.:
Wavefield and static deformation in depth-dependent elastic
models with seismic sources of finite dimensions: spectral approach.
Geophys. J. Int., 155, 2003, 1105-1113.
The paper is available in PDF (107 kB).
- Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Bullen's parameter eta: a link between seismology and geodynamical modelling.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 198, 2002, 471-483.
The paper is available in PDF (1.1 MB).
- Hanyk, L., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Determination of viscoelastic spectra by matrix eigenvalue analysis.
In: Ice Sheets, Sea Level and the Dynamic Earth,
eds. J. X. Mitrovica and L. L. A. Vermeersen, AGU 2002, pp. 257-273.
- Mistr, Z., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Modeling of rapidly rotating thermal convection using vorticity and vector potential.
Studia Geophys. et Geod., 46, 2002, 59-81.
The paper is available in PDF (392 kB).
- Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Are mantle plumes adiabatic?
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 189, 2001, 165-176.
The paper is available in PDF (1 MB).
- Vecsey, L. and Matyska, C.:
Wavelet spectra and chaos in thermal convection modelling.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2001, 395-398.
The paper is available in PDF (240 kB).
- Hanyk, L., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
The problem of viscoelastic relaxation of the Earth solved by a matrix
eigenvalue approach based on discretization in grid space.
Electronic Geosciences, 5, 2000. (discussion paper, not reviewed)
- Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Profiles of the Bullen parameter from mantle convection modelling.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 178, 2000, 39-46.
The paper is available in PDF (285 kB).
- Velimsky, J. and Matyska, C.:
The influence of adiabatic
heating/cooling on magnetohydrodynamic systems.
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 117, 2000, 197-207.
The paper is available in PDF (594 kB).
- Hanyk, L., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Secular gravitational
instability of a compressible viscoelastic sphere.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1999, 557-560.
The paper is available in PDF (240 kB).
- Matyska, C., Yuen, D.A., Breuer, D. and Spohn, T.:
Symmetries of volcanic distribution on Mars and Earth and their mantle
plume dynamics.
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 1998, 28587-28597.
- Hanyk, L., Matyska, C. and Yuen, D.A.:
Initial-value approach
for viscoelastic responses of the Earth's mantle.
In: Dynamics of the Ice Age Earth: A Modern Perspective, ed. P. Wu,
GeoResearch Forum, 3-4,
Trans Tech Publications 1998, pp. 135-154.
See also
the corresponding chapter from the PhD thesis by L. Hanyk.
- Moser, J., Yuen, D.A., Larsen, T.B. and Matyska, C.:
Dynamical influences of depth-dependent properties on mantle
upwellings and temporal variations of the moment of inertia.
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 102, 1997, 153-170.
- Martinec, Z. and Matyska, C.:
On the solvability of the Stokes
pseudo-boundary-value problem for geoid determination.
J. Geodesy , 71, 1997, 103-112.
The paper is available in PDF (464 kB).
- Hanyk, L., Yuen, D.A. and Matyska, C.:
Initial-value and modal
approaches for transient viscoelastic responses with complex
viscosity profiles.
Geophys. J. Int, 127, 1996, 348-362.
See also
the corresponding chapter from the PhD thesis by L. Hanyk.
- Matyska, C.:
Variational principles for the momentum equation
of mantle convection with Newtonian and power-law rheologies.
Geophys. J. Int., 126, 1996, 281-286.
- Hanyk, L., Moser, J., Yuen, D.A. and Matyska, C.:
approach for the transient responses in stratified viscoelastic Earth.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 1995, 1285-1288.
See also
the corresponding chapter from the PhD thesis by L. Hanyk.
- Matyska, C.:
Axisymmetry of mantle aspherical structures.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 1995, 521-524.
The paper is available in PDF (1.4 MB).
- Matyska, C., Moser, J. and Yuen D.A.:
The potential influence of radiative heat transfer on the formation
of megaplumes in the lower mantle.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 125, 1994, 255-266.
The paper is available in PDF (0.9 MB).
- Matyska, C. and Moser, J.:
Heating in the D''-layer and the style of mantle convection.
Studia Geophys. et Geod., 38, 1994, 286-292.
The paper is available in PDF (1.7 MB).
- Yuen, D.A., Cadek, O., Boehler, R., Moser J. and Matyska C.:
Large cold anomalies in the deep mantle and mantle instability in the
Terra Nova, 6, 1994, 238-245.
- Matyska, C.:
Topographic masses and mass heterogeneities in the upper mantle.
In: Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to
Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics, B. E. Schutz, A. Anderson, C. Froidevaux,
M. Parke (eds.), Geophysical Monograph 82, IUGG Volume 17,
IUGG and AGU 1994, pp.125-132.
- Cadek, O., Yuen, D.A., Steinbach, V., Chopelas, A. and Matyska, C.:
Lower mantle thermal structure deduced from seismic tomography,
mineral physics and numerical modelling.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 121, 1994, 385-402.
- Martinec, Z., Matyska, C., Grafarend, E.W. and Vanicek, P.:
On Helmert's 2nd condensation method.
Manuscripta Geodaetica, 18, 1993, 417-421.
- Moser, J., Yuen, D.A. and Matyska, C.:
Reply to the Comment by Y. Ricard, R. Sabadini and G. Spada.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1993, 2497-2498.
- Moser, J., Matyska, C., Yuen, D.A., Malevsky, A. and Harder, H.:
Mantle rheology, convection and rotational dynamics.
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 79, 1993, 367-381.
- Martinec, Z., Matyska, C., Cadek O. and Hrdina P.:
The Stokes problem with 3-D Newtonian rheology in a sphericall shell.
Computer Phys. Commun., 76, 1993, 63-79.
- Yuen, D.A., Cadek, O., Chopelas, A. and Matyska, C.:
Geophysical inferences of thermal-chemical structures
in the lower mantle.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1993, 899-902.
- Cadek, O., Ricard, Y., Martinec, Z. and Matyska, C:
between Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow driven by internal loads.
Geophys. J. Int., 102, 1993, 103-114.
- Moser, J., Yuen, D. A. and Matyska, C.:
Polar motions excited by a convecting viscous mantle.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1992, 2251-2254.
- Cadek, O., Martinec, Z. and Matyska, C.:
Spectral variational approach
to the non-Newtonian Stokes problem in a spherical shell.
Computer. Phys. Commun., 71, 1992, 56-70.
- Cadek, O. and Matyska, C.:
Variational approach to modeling present-time mantle convection.
Studia Geophys. et Geod., 36, 1992, 215-229.
- Matyska, C. and Cadek, O.:
Lateral variations of the mantle density
and fluctuation of the core-mantle boundary -- Reply to Z.R.Ye.
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 69, 1992, 216.
- Matyska, C. and Cadek, O.:
Lateral variations of the mantle density and fluctuation
of the core-mantle boundary -- Comment.
Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 69, 1992, 207-213.
- Cadek, O. and Matyska, C.: Mass heterogeneities and convection in
the Earth's mantle inferred from gravity and core-mantle boundary
irregularities. PAGEOPH, 135, 1991, 107-123.
- Cadek, O. and Matyska, C.: Three-dimensional modelling convection
in the Earth's mantle: Influence of the core-mantle boundary. Studia
Geophys. et Geod., 34, 1990, 278-283.
- Matyska, C.: Angular symmetries of hotspot distributions.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 95, 1989, 334-340.
The paper is available in PDF (0.4 MB).
- Matyska, C.: The Earth's gravity field and constraints to its density
distribution. Studia Geophys. et Geod., 33, 1989, 1-10.
- Matyska, C.: Regularization of downward heat flow continuation.
Studia Geophys. et Geod., 31, 1987, 359-368.
- Matyska, C.: The inverse gravimetric problem: Existence, uniqueness and
stability of the solution. Studia Geophys. et Geod., 31,
1987, 252-257.
- Matyska, C.: Simple linearized theory of photoacoustic signal generation.
Acoustics Lett., 10, 1987, 193-197.
- Matyska, C.: The optimal shape design method applied to modelling
thermal thinning of the oceanic lithosphere near hot spots.
Studia Geophys. et Geod., 30, 1986, 356-375.
- Matyska, C.: One thermal model of the young oceanic lithosphere:
Direct problem. Studia Geophys. et Geod., 30, 1986, 172-181.
- Matyska, C.: The optimization of the stationary heat equation with
a variable right-hand side. Aplikace Matematiky, 31, 1986, 97-108.
- Matyska, C., Matyskova E. and Sladky, P.: Three-dimensional
thermoacoustic theory for stratified media in a cylindrical photoacoustic
cell. Czech. J. Phys. B, 35, 1985, 433-441.
- Matyska, C.: The thermal field of the lithosphere in the region of
mid-ocean ridges modelled on the basis of known surface temperature and
heat flows. Studia Geophys. et Geod., 28, 1984, 407-417.
Popularization of science
- Matyska, C.: Passionate fisherwoman Emma Destinn; unknown correspondence
with the miller Hynek Gabler (in Czech).
Dějiny a Současnost, 2007, No 1, 12.
The paper is available in PDF (0.3 MB).
- Matyska, C., Zahradnik J. and Hanyk, L.: Dynamics of the Earth (in Czech).
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 47, 2002, 221-229.
PDF text only
(0.2 MB), PDF
figures only (4.5 MB),
PostScript text only (0.2 MB),
scanned PDF (3.3 MB).
- Matyska, C.: Has the Earth really an iron core? (in Czech, reply to the question
of a reader)
Vesmir, 81, 2002, 9-10.
The paper is available in PDF (137 kB).
- Matyska, C.: Dynamics of the Earth's mantle (in Czech).
Vesmir, 77, 1998, 85-88.
- Jeanloz, R. and Romanowicz, B.: Dynamics at the centre of the Earth
(translation to Czech).
Vesmir, 77, 1998, 78-84.
- Janackova A., Matyska, C.: R. Ladbury: Geodynamo tends toward a stable field
(translation to Czech and comments).
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,41, 1996, 262-268.
text in PDF (68kB)
Matyska, C.: Shining through the Earth (in Czech).
Vesmir, 75, 1996, 245-246.
- Hanyk L., Martinec Z. and Matyska, C.: Chords from the interior of the Earth
(in Czech).
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 40, 1995, 208-218.
scanned PDF (1.2MB)
Matyska, C.: His name is Babel or else about boletuses under our legs
(in Czech). Vesmír, 74, 1995, 687-688.
Publications in proceedings (only those in English):
- Zabranova E., Hanyk L. and Matyska C.:
Matrix pseudospectral method for elastic tides modeling of planetary bodies
In: Mission and Passion: Science, ed. P. Holota,
A volume dedicated to Milan Bursa on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
The Czech National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics.
Prague, 2009, 243-260.
The paper is available in PDF (0.7 MB).
- Kukacka, M. and Matyska, C.: Modelling the subducting lithosphere
using FEM, In: WDS'02, MFF UK, 2002, 600-604.
- Bourkova, R. and Matyska, C.: Toroidal plate motions generated in
models with constant and variable viscosity, In: Proceedings of WDS,
MFF UK, 2000.
- Matyska, C.: Note on chaos in ray propagation. In: Seismic Waves
in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8, eds. V. Cervený, L. Klimes and I.
Psencik, Dept. of Geophysics, Faculty of Math. and Phys., Charles University
1999, pp. 71-82.
- Cizkova, H. and Matyska, C.: Numerical simulations of thermal
convection for infinite Prandtl number. In: Numerical Modelling in
Continuum Mechanics, Proc. of the 3rd Summer Conference held in
Prague, September 8-11, 1997, eds. M. Feistauer, R. Rannacher and
K. Kozel, MATFYZPRESS 1997, pp. 203-211.
- Martinec, Z. and Matyska, C.: Instability and non-uniqueness of
the Stokes problem for geoid determination. In: Role of Modern Geodesy in
Armed Forces, Budapest, November 22-23, 1994, VTS ACR, pp. 69-79.
- Pec, K., Cadek, O., Hrdina, P., Martinec, Z.,
Matyska, C. and Moser, J.: Global structure of geophysical fields.
In: IBM Academic Initiative Projects Seminar, Prague,
November 18-19, 1992, CVUT, pp. 27-32.
- Cadek, O. and Matyska, C.: Mass heterogeneities and present-time
motions in the Earth's mantle. In: Advances in Gravimetry, Smolenice,
Czechoslovakia, December 10-14, 1990, GFU SAV, Bratislava 1991,
pp. 155-160.
- Matyska, C. and Cadek, O.: Inverse gravimetric problem and the
dynamics of the mantle. In: Advances in Gravimetry,
Smolenice, Czechoslovakia,
December 10-14, 1990, GFU SAV, Bratislava 1991, pp. 147-150.
- Novotny, O. and Matyska, C.: Changes of mineral springs during the
earthquake swarm 1985/86 in Western Bohemia. In: Proc. of the XXI General
Assembley of ESC, Sofia August 22-27, 1988, National Palace of Culture,
Sofia 1989, pp. 486-489.
- Novotny, O. and Matyska, C.: Changes of mineral springs in
connection with the earthquake swarm 1985/86 in Western Bohemia.
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Induced Seismicity and Associated
Phenomena, Liblice , Czechoslovakia, March 14-18, 1988, GFU CSAV,
Praha 1988, pp.165-169.