Nové knihy v knihovně katedry


Aki, KeiichiQuantitative seismology
Banegal, FranJupiter
Barlow, Nadine G.Mars
Barreira, LuisIntroduction to smooth ergodic theory
Bertotti, BrunoPhysics of the solar system
Coustenis, AthenaLife beyond Earth
Davies, AshleyVolcanism on Io
Evans, GwynneNumerical methods for partial differential equations
Francois, DominiqueMechanical behaviour of materials
Fuki, A. A.Geometrical optics of weakly anisotropic media
Fukuyama, E.Fault-Zone properties and earthquake rupture dynamics
Glatzmaier, Gary A.Introduction to modeling convection in planets and stars
Golub, Gene H.Matrix computations
Griffiths, D. F.Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
Impey, LurineFrontiers of astrobiology
Impey, ChrisTalking about life
Jastrow, RobertOrigins of life in the universe
Jones, Barrie WilliamPluto
Kosevič, Arnol'd MarkovičTheory of elasticity
Kosmann-Schwarzbach, YvetteThe Noether Theorems
Murray, Carl D.Solar system dynamics
Mutabazi, A.Dynamics of spatio-temporal cellular structures
Ol'shanskii, Maksim AleksandrovichIterative methods for linear systems
Onaka, MichiyasuThe physics of rock failure and earthquakes
Pryor, Roger W.Multiphysics modeling using COMSOL
Radko, TimourDouble-diffusive convection
Rothery, D. A.An introduction to astrobiology
Rothery, D. A.The Cambridge guide to the solar system
Rothery, McBrideAn introduction to the solar system
Schenk, Paul M.Atlas of the Galilean satellites
Tabatabaian, MehrzadCOMSOL for engineers
Tarantola, AlbertInverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation
Taylor, F. W.The scientific exploration of Venus
Voss, HerbertLATEX quick reference
Wodang, I.G.Titan


Anderson, E.LAPACK user guide
McGuire, Robin K.Seismic hazard and risk analysis
Moler, Cleve B.Numerical computing with MATLAB
Parfitt, Elisabeth A.Fundamentals of physical volcanology
Quarteroni, AlfioScientific computing with MATLAB and Octave
Saad, YousefIterative methods for sparse linear systems
Saad, YousefNumerical methods for large eigenvalue problems
Stüwe, KurtGeodynamics of the lithosphere


Aster, Richard C.Parameter estimation and inverse problems
Buforn, ElisaSolved problems in geophysics
Elman, Howard C.Finite elements and fast iterative solvers
Fichtner, AndreasFull seismic waveform modelling and inversion
Gropp, WilliamUsing MPI
Gropp, WilliamUsing MPI-2
Hori, MuneoIntroduction to computational earthquake engineering
Chave, Alan D.The magnetotelluric method
Iserles, AriehA first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations
Gupta, Harsh K.Encyclopedia of solid earth geophysics
Lewin, WalterZ lásky k fyzice
Lischner, RayC++ in a nutshell
Munshi, A.OpenCL programming guide
Peyret, RogerSpectral methods for incompressible viscous flow
Press, W. H.Numerical recipes in FORTRAN
Press, W. H.Numerical recipes in C
Shearer, Peter M.Introduction to seismology
Stolt, Robert H.Seismic imaging and inversion
Zobin, V. M.Introduction to volcanic seismology


Adler, Robert J.Random fields and geometry
Achenbach, J. D.Ray methods for waves in elastic solids
Armitage, Philip J.Astrophysics of planet formation
Babich, V. M.Diffraction theory
Cap, FerdinandTsunamis and hurricanes
Dahlen, F. A.Theoretical global seismology
De Pater, ImkePlanetary sciences
Donea, J.Finite element methods for flow problems
Edmonds, A. R.Angular momentum in quantum mechanics
Eroglu, AbdullahWave propagation and radiation in gyrotropic and anisotropic media
Filippov, A. T.The versatile soliton
Fowler, AndrewMathematical geoscience
Gubbins, DavidTime series analysis and inverse theory for geophysicists
Hehl, F. W.Foundations of classical electrodynamics
Chen, Hollis C.Theory of electromagnetic waves
Ismail-Zadeh, AlikComputational methods for geodynamics
Jaupart, ClaudeHeat generation and transport in the Earth
Kravtsov, Yury A.Theory of diffraction
Leger, A.Ultrasonic wave propagation in non homogeneous media
Lemaitre, Gérard RenéAstronomical optics and elasticity theory
Levesque, John M.High performance computing
Mandea, MioriaGeomagnetic observations and models
Melosh, H. J.Planetary surface processes
Merrill, Ronald T.Our magnetic Earth
Metcalf, MichaelModern Fortran explained
Olson, PeterMantle convection in the Earth and planets
Oughstun, K. E.Electromagnetic and optical pulse propagation
Pond, StephenIntroductory dynamical oceanography
Ramberg, HansGravity, deformation and the Earth's crust in theory, experiments and geological application
Ranalli, GiorgioRheology of the Earth
Raymond, Loren A.Petrology
Slawinski, M. A.Waves and rays in elastic continua
Turcotte, Donald L.Geodynamics
Varshalovich, D. A.Quantum theory of angular momentum
Xin, JackAn introduction to fronts in random media


Backus, GeorgeFoundations of geomagnetism
Barnes, RoryFormation and evolution of exoplanets
Borcherdt, Roger D.Viscoelastic waves in layered media
Carslaw, H. S.Conduction of heat in solids
Cuffey, KurtThe physics of glaciers
Dautray, RobertMathematical analysis and numerical methods for science and technology
Dougherty, M. K.Saturn from Cassini-Huygens
Faure, GunterIntroduction to planetary science
Ferronsky, V. I.Dynamics of the Earth
Fischer, Irene K.Geodesy? What is that?
Flechtner, F.System earth via geodetic-geophysical space techniques
Fornberg, BengtA practical guide to pseudospectral methods
Foulger, Gillian R.Plates vs plumes
Freeden, W.Spherical functions of mathematical geosciences
Frolich, CliffDeep earthquakes
Ganguly, JibamitraThermodynamics in earth and planetary sciences
Gerya, Taras V.Introduction to numerical geodynamic modelling
Glassmeier, K. H.Geomagnetic field variations
Greve, RalfDynamics of ice sheets and glaciers
Gubbins, DavidEncyclopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism
Havskov, JensRoutine data processing in earthquake seismology
Hesthaven, J. S.Nodal discontinuous Galerkin methods
Hirose, KeiPost-perovskite
Chandrasekhar, S.Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability
Chapman, Chris H.Fundamentals of seismic wave propagation
Ismail-Zadeh, AlikComputational methods for geodynamics
Jacoby, WolfgangGravity interpretation
Kearey, P.Global tectonics
Kozák, JanThe illustrated history of natural disasters
Lappa, MarcelloThermal convection
Lawson, Charles L.Solving least squares problems
Levin, BorisPhysics of tsunamis
Lowrie, WilliamFundamentals of geophysics
Munk, Walter H.The rotation of the Earth
Pappalardo, R. T.Europa
Pearlman, P.Global geodetic observing system
Percival, Donald B.Spectral analysis for physical applications
Rapp, DonaldIce ages and interglacials
Ritter, J. R.Mantle plumes
Roy, K. K.Potential theory in applied geophysics
Sanders, JasonCUDA by example
Sato, HaruoSeismic wave propagation and scattering in the heterogeneous earth
Sedov, L. I.Metody podobija i razmernosti v mechanike
Semenov, A. A.Teorija elektromagnitnych voln
Štoll, IvanDějiny fyziky
Teisseyre, R.Physics of asymmetric continuum
Thoman, PeterMultigrid methods on GPUs
Warbuton, A.Theoretical and computational methods in mineral physics
Watters, T.Planetary tectonics
Xing, HuilinAdvances in geocomputing
Zang, ArnoStress field of the earth's crust


Clifford, H.Advances in seismic event location
Forget, FrançoisPlanet Mars
Hemsy, G.M.Multimedia fluid mechanics
Hill, R.The mathematical theory of plasticity
Kennett, B. L. N.Geophysical continua
Kramer, S. L.Geotechnical earthquake engineering
Lallemand, SergeSubduction zone geodynamics
Olson, PeterMantle convection in the Earth and planets
Tarbuck, Edward J.Earth
Towhata, IkuoGeotechnical earthquake engineering
Trauth, Martin H.MATLAB recipes for Earth sciences
Van der Pluijm, Ben A.Earth structure
Wilmanski, KrzysztofContinuum thermodynamics
Xing, HuilinAdvances in geocomputing
Zhao, ChongbinConvective and advective heat transfer in geological systems


Adams, J. C.Fortran 95 handbook
Aki, K.Quantitative seismology
Aster, Richard C.Parameter estimation and inverse problems
Ben-Menahem, AriSeismic waves and sources
Gasparini, P.Earthquake early warning systems
Gibowicz, Slawomir J.An introduction to mining seismology
Gilks, W. R.Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice
Havskov, JensInstrumentation in earthquake seismology
Karato, Shun-ichiroDeformation of Earth materials
Kennett, B. L. N.Geophysical continua
Lowrie, WilliamFundamentals of geophysics
Nolet, GuustA breviary of seismic tomography
Rogers, NickAn introduction to our dynamic planet
Sabadini, R.Global dynamics of the Earth
Sharp, JohnMicrosoft Visual C# 2005
Schick, RolfThe little book of earthquakes and volcanoes
Schubert, GeraldTreatise on geophysics
Stacey, Frank DonaldPhysics of the Earth
Telford, William M.Applied geophysics