Aki, Keiichi | Quantitative seismology |
Banegal, Fran | Jupiter |
Barlow, Nadine G. | Mars |
Barreira, Luis | Introduction to smooth ergodic theory |
Bertotti, Bruno | Physics of the solar system |
Coustenis, Athena | Life beyond Earth |
Davies, Ashley | Volcanism on Io |
Evans, Gwynne | Numerical methods for partial differential equations |
Francois, Dominique | Mechanical behaviour of materials |
Fuki, A. A. | Geometrical optics of weakly anisotropic media |
Fukuyama, E. | Fault-Zone properties and earthquake rupture dynamics |
Glatzmaier, Gary A. | Introduction to modeling convection in planets and stars |
Golub, Gene H. | Matrix computations |
Griffiths, D. F. | Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations |
Impey, Lurine | Frontiers of astrobiology |
Impey, Chris | Talking about life |
Jastrow, Robert | Origins of life in the universe |
Jones, Barrie William | Pluto |
Kosevič, Arnol'd Markovič | Theory of elasticity |
Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Yvette | The Noether Theorems |
Murray, Carl D. | Solar system dynamics |
Mutabazi, A. | Dynamics of spatio-temporal cellular structures |
Ol'shanskii, Maksim Aleksandrovich | Iterative methods for linear systems |
Onaka, Michiyasu | The physics of rock failure and earthquakes |
Pryor, Roger W. | Multiphysics modeling using COMSOL |
Radko, Timour | Double-diffusive convection |
Rothery, D. A. | An introduction to astrobiology |
Rothery, D. A. | The Cambridge guide to the solar system |
Rothery, McBride | An introduction to the solar system |
Schenk, Paul M. | Atlas of the Galilean satellites |
Tabatabaian, Mehrzad | COMSOL for engineers |
Tarantola, Albert | Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation |
Taylor, F. W. | The scientific exploration of Venus |
Voss, Herbert | LATEX quick reference |
Wodang, I.G. | Titan |
Aster, Richard C. | Parameter estimation and inverse problems |
Buforn, Elisa | Solved problems in geophysics |
Elman, Howard C. | Finite elements and fast iterative solvers |
Fichtner, Andreas | Full seismic waveform modelling and inversion |
Gropp, William | Using MPI |
Gropp, William | Using MPI-2 |
Hori, Muneo | Introduction to computational earthquake engineering |
Chave, Alan D. | The magnetotelluric method |
Iserles, Arieh | A first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations |
Gupta, Harsh K. | Encyclopedia of solid earth geophysics |
Lewin, Walter | Z lásky k fyzice |
Lischner, Ray | C++ in a nutshell |
Munshi, A. | OpenCL programming guide |
Peyret, Roger | Spectral methods for incompressible viscous flow |
Press, W. H. | Numerical recipes in FORTRAN |
Press, W. H. | Numerical recipes in C |
Shearer, Peter M. | Introduction to seismology |
Stolt, Robert H. | Seismic imaging and inversion |
Zobin, V. M. | Introduction to volcanic seismology |
Adler, Robert J. | Random fields and geometry |
Achenbach, J. D. | Ray methods for waves in elastic solids |
Armitage, Philip J. | Astrophysics of planet formation |
Babich, V. M. | Diffraction theory |
Cap, Ferdinand | Tsunamis and hurricanes |
Dahlen, F. A. | Theoretical global seismology |
De Pater, Imke | Planetary sciences |
Donea, J. | Finite element methods for flow problems |
Edmonds, A. R. | Angular momentum in quantum mechanics |
Eroglu, Abdullah | Wave propagation and radiation in gyrotropic and anisotropic media |
Filippov, A. T. | The versatile soliton |
Fowler, Andrew | Mathematical geoscience |
Gubbins, David | Time series analysis and inverse theory for geophysicists |
Hehl, F. W. | Foundations of classical electrodynamics |
Chen, Hollis C. | Theory of electromagnetic waves |
Ismail-Zadeh, Alik | Computational methods for geodynamics |
Jaupart, Claude | Heat generation and transport in the Earth |
Kravtsov, Yury A. | Theory of diffraction |
Leger, A. | Ultrasonic wave propagation in non homogeneous media |
Lemaitre, Gérard René | Astronomical optics and elasticity theory |
Levesque, John M. | High performance computing |
Mandea, Mioria | Geomagnetic observations and models |
Melosh, H. J. | Planetary surface processes |
Merrill, Ronald T. | Our magnetic Earth |
Metcalf, Michael | Modern Fortran explained |
Olson, Peter | Mantle convection in the Earth and planets |
Oughstun, K. E. | Electromagnetic and optical pulse propagation |
Pond, Stephen | Introductory dynamical oceanography |
Ramberg, Hans | Gravity, deformation and the Earth's crust in theory, experiments and geological application |
Ranalli, Giorgio | Rheology of the Earth |
Raymond, Loren A. | Petrology |
Slawinski, M. A. | Waves and rays in elastic continua |
Turcotte, Donald L. | Geodynamics |
Varshalovich, D. A. | Quantum theory of angular momentum |
Xin, Jack | An introduction to fronts in random media |
Backus, George | Foundations of geomagnetism |
Barnes, Rory | Formation and evolution of exoplanets |
Borcherdt, Roger D. | Viscoelastic waves in layered media |
Carslaw, H. S. | Conduction of heat in solids |
Cuffey, Kurt | The physics of glaciers |
Dautray, Robert | Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for science and technology |
Dougherty, M. K. | Saturn from Cassini-Huygens |
Faure, Gunter | Introduction to planetary science |
Ferronsky, V. I. | Dynamics of the Earth |
Fischer, Irene K. | Geodesy? What is that? |
Flechtner, F. | System earth via geodetic-geophysical space techniques |
Fornberg, Bengt | A practical guide to pseudospectral methods |
Foulger, Gillian R. | Plates vs plumes |
Freeden, W. | Spherical functions of mathematical geosciences |
Frolich, Cliff | Deep earthquakes |
Ganguly, Jibamitra | Thermodynamics in earth and planetary sciences |
Gerya, Taras V. | Introduction to numerical geodynamic modelling |
Glassmeier, K. H. | Geomagnetic field variations |
Greve, Ralf | Dynamics of ice sheets and glaciers |
Gubbins, David | Encyclopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism |
Havskov, Jens | Routine data processing in earthquake seismology |
Hesthaven, J. S. | Nodal discontinuous Galerkin methods |
Hirose, Kei | Post-perovskite |
Chandrasekhar, S. | Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability |
Chapman, Chris H. | Fundamentals of seismic wave propagation |
Ismail-Zadeh, Alik | Computational methods for geodynamics |
Jacoby, Wolfgang | Gravity interpretation |
Kearey, P. | Global tectonics |
Kozák, Jan | The illustrated history of natural disasters |
Lappa, Marcello | Thermal convection |
Lawson, Charles L. | Solving least squares problems |
Levin, Boris | Physics of tsunamis |
Lowrie, William | Fundamentals of geophysics |
Munk, Walter H. | The rotation of the Earth |
Pappalardo, R. T. | Europa |
Pearlman, P. | Global geodetic observing system |
Percival, Donald B. | Spectral analysis for physical applications |
Rapp, Donald | Ice ages and interglacials |
Ritter, J. R. | Mantle plumes |
Roy, K. K. | Potential theory in applied geophysics |
Sanders, Jason | CUDA by example |
Sato, Haruo | Seismic wave propagation and scattering in the heterogeneous earth |
Sedov, L. I. | Metody podobija i razmernosti v mechanike |
Semenov, A. A. | Teorija elektromagnitnych voln |
Štoll, Ivan | Dějiny fyziky |
Teisseyre, R. | Physics of asymmetric continuum |
Thoman, Peter | Multigrid methods on GPUs |
Warbuton, A. | Theoretical and computational methods in mineral physics |
Watters, T. | Planetary tectonics |
Xing, Huilin | Advances in geocomputing |
Zang, Arno | Stress field of the earth's crust |
Clifford, H. | Advances in seismic event location |
Forget, François | Planet Mars |
Hemsy, G.M. | Multimedia fluid mechanics |
Hill, R. | The mathematical theory of plasticity |
Kennett, B. L. N. | Geophysical continua |
Kramer, S. L. | Geotechnical earthquake engineering |
Lallemand, Serge | Subduction zone geodynamics |
Olson, Peter | Mantle convection in the Earth and planets |
Tarbuck, Edward J. | Earth |
Towhata, Ikuo | Geotechnical earthquake engineering |
Trauth, Martin H. | MATLAB recipes for Earth sciences |
Van der Pluijm, Ben A. | Earth structure |
Wilmanski, Krzysztof | Continuum thermodynamics |
Xing, Huilin | Advances in geocomputing |
Zhao, Chongbin | Convective and advective heat transfer in geological systems |
Adams, J. C. | Fortran 95 handbook |
Aki, K. | Quantitative seismology |
Aster, Richard C. | Parameter estimation and inverse problems |
Ben-Menahem, Ari | Seismic waves and sources |
Gasparini, P. | Earthquake early warning systems |
Gibowicz, Slawomir J. | An introduction to mining seismology |
Gilks, W. R. | Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice |
Havskov, Jens | Instrumentation in earthquake seismology |
Karato, Shun-ichiro | Deformation of Earth materials |
Kennett, B. L. N. | Geophysical continua |
Lowrie, William | Fundamentals of geophysics |
Nolet, Guust | A breviary of seismic tomography |
Rogers, Nick | An introduction to our dynamic planet |
Sabadini, R. | Global dynamics of the Earth |
Sharp, John | Microsoft Visual C# 2005 |
Schick, Rolf | The little book of earthquakes and volcanoes |
Schubert, Gerald | Treatise on geophysics |
Stacey, Frank Donald | Physics of the Earth |
Telford, William M. | Applied geophysics |